(2025-01-17) Seminar: Marco Serone -- Exploring Confinement in Anti-de Sitter Space


Title: Exploring Confinement in Anti-de Sitter Space

Speaker: Marco Serone

Affiliation: SISSA, Italy (意大利的里雅斯特国际高等研究院)

Time: 16:00-17:00, Friday, January 17th, 2025 (UTC+8, Beijing Time)

Venue: Zoom Meeting (ID: 385 442 0225; Passcode: yauc)

Inviter: Zhijin Li (李志金)


The study of non-abelian gauge theories in compact or non-flat spaces can be useful to gather insights and new perspectives on the confinement problem. We consider Yang-Mills theory on four dimensional Anti-de Sitter space and wonder how signals of confinement in the bulk can be detected from boundary observables. The Dirichlet boundary condition cannot exist at arbitrarily large radius because it would give rise to colored asymptotic states in flat space and hence a deconfinement-confinement transition has to occur as the radius is increased. By perturbative computations we provide evidence for the scenario of merger and annihilation. Namely, the theory with Dirichlet boundary condition stops existing because it merges and annihilates with another theory.  We also derive a general result for the leading-order anomalous dimension of the so called displacement operator for a generic perturbation in Anti-de Sitter, showing that it is related to the beta function of bulk couplings.



After a master thesis on lattice QCD phenomenology in Rome University ``La Sapienza”, Marco Serone then graduated with a Ph.D degree at SISSA, Trieste, working on formal aspects of string theory. He then spent a three-year postdoc at Amsterdam University in the group of R. Dijkgraaf and H. Verlinde. After that, he went back at SISSA for a tenure-track position, and since then he is a faculty member there.

He has been working on a wide range of topics, notably on anomaly cancellations in string theory, string theory model building, beyond the Standard Model phenomenology using extra dimensions, composite Higgs models, conformal bootstrap, resurgence.

The seminar will be broadcasted online by Zoom. 

Interested people are free to join, without registration in advance.

The Zoom info is

URL: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3854420225?pwd=SXY4eWJKOTBFZWJDaE16aXpTamY1QT09

Meeting ID: 385 442 0225

Passcode: yauc