5月27日学术报告|Cavity Magnonics(微波谐振腔光子-磁子学)


报告题目Cavity Magnonics微波谐振腔光子-磁子学

报告人胡灿明 教授 (加拿大Manitoba大学)

时间2024527日(周一)15:00  16:00




Cavity magnonics is an emerging research field that studies the light-matter interactions involving cavity photons and magnons [1-3]. Via the quantum physics of spin-photon entanglement on the one hand, and classical electrodynamic coupling on the other, magnon-photon coupling connects some of the most exciting modern physics, such as quantum information and quantum optics, with one of the oldest science on the earth, the magnetism.

This talk aims to introduce this frontier to the general audience of physics and electrical engineering. Starting with the intuitive example of coupled pendula, I will explain the concepts of coherent and dissipative coupling, based on which two streams of cavity magnonics research will be highlighted: (i) The development of diverse quantum transducers utilizing coherent coupling. (ii) The study of dissipative coupling governed by a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian, which leads to intriguing effects such as level attraction, nonreciprocal microwave transmission, exceptional points, and bound state in continuum. Students who are looking for frontier research opportunities are encouraged to attend.

[1] C.-M. Hu, Phys. in Canada, 72, 76 (2016).

[2] M. Harder et al., J. Appl. Phys. 129, 201101 (2021) (invited).

[3] B. Z. Rameshti et al., Phys. Rep. 979, 1 (2022).


胡灿明(Can-Ming HU)教授于1988年获得复旦大学本科学位,1995年获得德国Wurzburg大学博士学位,1995-1997年中科院红外物理国家重点实验室副教授,1997-1998Wurzburg大学博士后,1998-1999年日本NTT博士后,1999-2005年德国汉堡大学任subgroup leader20059月起任职于加拿大Manitoba大学物理与天文系,2012年晋升正教授,2023年荣升该校杰出教授(Distinguished Professor)。胡灿明教授的研究方向包含自旋电子学、磁学、量子技术的交叉领域的实验凝聚态物理研究。他是美国物理学会会士(APS Fellow)和杰出审稿人(Outstanding Referee),也是IEEE 磁学分会的Distinguished Lecturer