11月10号学术报告:Surface Functionalization of Biomaterials by Plasma and Related Technology


报告题目:Surface Functionalization of Biomaterials by Plasma and Related Technology

报告人:Paul K. Chu (City University of Hong Kong)


地点:ZOOM on line (ID:67642704345, CODE:211189)




Abstract: The interactions between biomaterials and biological tissues and body fluids depend on the surface properties of the biomaterials and biological interactions and response. By means of plasma surface modification, predesigned surface properties such as biocompatibility and bacterial resistance can be endowed and at the same time, the inherent bulk properties such as mechanical strength can be maintained. In this keynote presentation, recent research activities in the Plasma Laboratory of City University of Hong Kong pertaining to surface treatment of biomaterials and biomedical devices, especially biodegradable and antibacterial materials, will be described.


Paul K. Chu(朱剑豪教授),香港城市大学,材料科学家,国家****获得者,孔雀团队带头人。发表论文2000余篇,Material Science and Engineering: Reports等期刊副主编,引用60000余次,h因子108,其杰出科研成果荣获中国教育部自然科学一等奖。香港城市大学游泳队、羽毛球队荣誉领队,香港城市大学50米蝶泳等三项纪录保持者,曾打破多项香港游泳纪录。