


Professor Shihua Chen (陈世华)

Department of Physics

SoutheastUniversityNanjing 211189


Tel: (+86)25-52090606-8303; Fax: (+86)25-52090606-8206

Email: cshua@seu.edu.cn;shihuachen.seu@icloud.com;


Brief Biography

He received M.Sc. in optics and Ph.D. in condensed matter physics from the Huazhong University of Science and Technology (China) in 2003 and 2006, respectively. He took a permanent lecturing position at the school of physics in Southeast University since March 2007 and from April 2015, he became the full professor in physics. In 2009 and 2015, he worked as a post-doctorate and a visiting scholar, respectively, at the Laboratoire d'Optique Appliquée, École Polytechnique in France. From 2013 onwards, he was the tutor of the Ph.D. students. His work involves the theoretical and experimental study of some fundamental yet “hot” topics in nonlinear optics. As of December 2017, he has (co)authored around 40 papers in refereed journals such as Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys. Rev. A/E, Optics Letters, and Optics Express, with H-index 17.


Curricula and teachings

ØOn-going courses:

Classical Mechanics (理论力学)

Thermal Physics (热学)

ØThe past courses:

Principles of Lasers (激光原理)

Fourier Optics (信息光学)

Fundamentals of Photonics (光子学导论)

Optics (基础光学)

Nonlinear Optics (非线性光学)

Research Areas

ØSolitons and optical rogue waves

ØSelf-similarity in nonlinear optics

ØHigh-energetic ultrashort pulse compression

ØFemtosecond filamentation


ØNational Science Foundation of China (Grant No.11474051)

ØQing Lan Project of Jiangsu Province


[1]Shihua Chen, Yi Zhou, Fabio Baronio, and Dumitru Mihalache, Special types of elastic resonant soliton solutions of the Kadomtsev--Petviashvili II equation, Rom. Rep. Phys. 70, 102 (2018).

[2]Shihua Chen, Yanlin Ye, Fabio Baronio, Yi Liu, Xian-Ming Cai, and Philippe Grelu, Optical Peregrine rogue waves of self-induced transparency in a resonant erbium- doped fiber, Opt. Express 25, 29687 (2017).

[3]Yi Liu, Pengji Ding, Neven Ibrakovic, Samuel Bengtsson, Shihua Chen, Rostyslav Danylo, Emma R. Simpson, Esben W. Larsen, Xiang Zhang, Zhengquan Fan, Aurélien Houard, Johan Mauritsson, Anne L’Huillier, Cord L. Arnold, Songlin Zhuang, Vladimir Tikhonchuk, and André Mysyrowicz, Unexpected sensitivity of nitrogen ions superradiant emission on pump laser wavelength and duration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 203205 (2017).

[4]Fabio Baronio, Shihua Chen, and Dumitru Mihalache, Two-color walking Peregrine solitary waves, Opt. Lett. 42, 3514 (2017).

[5]Shihua Chen, Fabio Baronio, Jose M. Soto-Crespo, Philippe Grelu, and Dumitru Mihalache, Versatile rogue waves in scalar, vector, and multidimensional nonlinear systems, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 50, 463001 (2017) (Topical Review).

[6]Fabio Baronio, Miguel Onorato, Shihua Chen, Stefano Trillo, Yuji Kodama, and Stefan Wabnitz, Optical-fluid dark line and X solitary waves in Kerr media, Opt. Data Process. Storage 3, 1 (2017).

[7]Shihua Chen, Philippe Grelu, Dumitru Mihalache, and Fabio Baronio, Families of rational soliton solutions of the Kadomtsev--Petviashvili I equation, Rom. Rep. Phys. 68, 1407 (2016).

[8]Fabio Baronio, Shihua Chen, Miguel Onorato, Stefano Trillo, Stefan Wabnitz, and Yuji Kodama, Spatiotemporal optical dark X solitary waves, Opt. Lett. 41, 5571 (2016).

[9]Shihua Chen, Fabio Baronio, Jose M. Soto-Crespo, Yi Liu, and Philippe Grelu, Chirped Peregrine solitons in a class of cubic-quintic nonlinear Schr¨odinger equations, Phys. Rev. E 93, 062202 (2016).

[10]Shihua Chen, Jose M. Soto-Crespo, Fabio Baronio, Philippe Grelu, and Dumitru Mihalache Rogue-wave bullets in a composite (2+1)D nonlinear medium, Opt. Express 24, 15251 (2016).

[11]Shihua Chen, Xian-Ming Cai, Philippe Grelu, J. M. Soto-Crespo, Stefan Wabnitz, and Fabio Baronio, Complementary optical rogue waves in parametric three-wave mixing, Opt. Express 24, 5886 (2016).

[12]Shihua Chen, Fabio Baronio, J. M. Soto-Crespo, Philippe Grelu, Matteo Conforti, and Stefan Wabnitz, Optical rogue waves in parametric three-wave mixing and coherent stimulated scattering, Phys. Rev. A 92, 033847 (2015).

[13]Shihua Chen and Dumitru Mihalache, Vector rogue waves in the Manakov system: Diversity and compossibility, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 48, 215202 (2015).

[14]Fabio Baronio, Shihua Chen, Philippe Grelu, Stefan Wabnitz, and Matteo Conforti, Baseband modulation instability as the origin of rogue waves, Phys. Rev. A 91, 033804 (2015).

[15]Shihua Chen, Jose M. Soto-Crespo, and Philippe Grelu, Watch-hand-like optical rogue waves in three-wave interactions, Opt. Express 23, 349 (2015).

[16]Shihua Chen, Jose M. Soto-Crespo, and Philippe Grelu, Dark three-sister rogue waves in normally dispersive optical fibers with random birefringence, Opt. Express 22, 27632 (2014).

[17]Shihua Chen, Dark and composite rogue waves in the coupled Hirota equations, Phys. Lett. A 378, 2851 (2014).

[18]Shihua Chen, Jose M. Soto-Crespo, and Philippe Grelu, Coexisting rogue waves within the (2+1)-component long-wave–short-wave resonance, Phys. Rev. E 90, 033203 (2014).

[19]Shihua Chen, Philippe Grelu, and J. M. Soto-Crespo, Dark- and bright-rogue-wave solutions for media with long-wave–short-wave resonance, Phys. Rev. E 89, 011201(R) (2014) (Rapid Communication).

[20]Shihua Chen and Lian-Yan Song, Peregrine solitons and algebraic soliton pairs in Kerr media considering space-time correction, Phys. Lett. A 378, 1228 (2014).

[21]Shihua Chen, Darboux transformation and dark rogue wave states arising from two-wave resonance interaction, Phys. Lett. A 378, 1095 (2014).

[22]Shihua Chen, Twisted rogue-wave pairs in the Sasa-Satsuma equation, Phys. Rev. E 88, 023202 (2013).

[23]Shihua Chen and Lian-Yan Song, Rogue waves in coupled Hirota systems, Phys. Rev. E 87, 032910 (2013).

[24]Shihua Chen, Tanh-series representation of stationary dissipative solitons in complex Ginzburg-Landau systems, Phys. Rev. A 86, 043825 (2012).

[25]Shihua Chen, Analytical spinless light-bullet solutions as attractive fixed points in the three-dimensional cubic-quintic complex Ginzburg-Landau equation, Phys. Rev. A 86, 033829 (2012).

[26]Shihua Chen, Amelie Jarnac, Aurélien Houard, Yi Liu, Cord L. Arnold, Bing Zhou, Benjamin Forestier, Bernard Prade, and André Mysyrowicz, Compression of high-energy ultrashort laser pulses through an argon-filled tapered planar waveguide, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 28, 1009 (2011).

[27]Shihua Chen, Yi Liu, and André Mysyrowicz, Unusual stability of a one-parameter family of dissipative solitons due to spectral filtering and nonlinearity saturation, Phys. Rev. A 81, 061806(R) (2010) (Rapid Communication).

[28]Y. Liu, M. Durand, S. Chen, A. Houard, B. Prade, B. Forestier, and A. Mysyrowicz, Energy Exchange between Femtosecond Laser Filaments in Air, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 055003 (2010).

[29]C. L. Arnold, B. Zhou, S. Akturk, S. Chen, A. Couairon, and A. Mysyrowicz, Pulse compression with planar hollow waveguides: a pathway towards relativistic intensity with table-top lasers, New J. Phys. 12, 073015 (2010).

[30]Shihua Chen and John M. Dudley, Spatiotemporal Nonlinear Optical Self-Similarity in Three Dimensions, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 233903 (2009).

[31]Shihua Chen, Theory of dissipative solitons in complex Ginzburg-Landau systems, Phys. Rev. E 78, 025601(R) (2008) (Rapid Communication).

[32]Shihua Chen, Y.H. Yang, Jin Xu, Peixiang Lu, and Lin Yi, Phase jitter of chirped subpicosecond solitons in a noisy optical fiber channel: Exact moment method description, Europhys. Lett. 80, 34003 (2007).

[33]Shihua Chen, Y.H. Yang, Lin Yi, Peixiang Lu, and D.-S. Guo, Phase fluctuations of linearly chirped solitons in a noisy optical fiber channel with varying dispersion, nonlinearity, and gain, Phys. Rev. E 75, 036617 (2007).

[34]Shihua Chen, Huiping Liu, Shaowu Zhang, and Lin Yi, Compression of Hermite- Gaussian pulses in an engineered optical fiber absorber with varying dispersion and nonlinearity, Phys. Lett. A 353, 493 (2006).

[35]Shihua Chen, Lin Yi, D.-S. Guo, and Peixiang Lu, Self-similar evolution of parabolic, Hermite-Gaussian and hybrid optical pulses: Universality and diversity, Phys. Rev. E 72, 016622 (2005).

[36]Shihua Chen and Lin Yi, Chirped self-similar solutions of a generalized nonlinear schrödinger equation model, Phys. Rev. E 71, 016606 (2005).

[37]Shihua Chen, Dufang Shi, and Lin Yi, Timing jitter of femtosecond solitons in single- mode optical fibers: A perturbation model, Phys. Rev. E 69, 046602 (2004).

[38]Shihua Chen, Dufang Shi, Shaowu Zhang and Lin Yi, General formulation for parametrically controlled dark-soliton jitter in high-speed optical transmission system, Opt. Commun. 242, 503 (2004).

Book chapters

[1]Fabio Baronio, Shihua Chen, Philippe Grelu, Jose M Soto-Crespo, and Stefan Wabnitz, Extreme waves in stimulated backscattering and frequency conversion processes, in Nonlinear Guided Wave Optics: A testbed for extreme waves, Edited by Stefan Wabnitz (IOP Publishing, Bristol, 2017)


[1]Shihua Chen, Philippe Grelu, Fabio Baronio, and Jose M. Soto-Crespo, Chirped Peregrine solitons and other novel rogue wave phenomena, Extreme Events and Rogue Waves--International Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Seminar 2016, Bad Honnef, Germany, May 30 - June 3, 2016.

[2]F. Baronio, S. Wabnitz, S. Chen, P. Grelu, and M. Conforti, Baseband Modulation Instability as the Origin of Rogue Waves, CLEO®/Europe-EQEC2015, Munich, Germany, 21-25 June 2015.

[3]Shihua Chen, Jose M. Soto-Crespo, and Philippe Grelu, Dark-and-bright  rogue waves in long wave-short wave resonance, Advanced Photonics 2014 OSA,Barcelona, Spain, 27-31 July 2014, JM5A.19.

[4]Shihua ChenProlific Rogue Wave States in the Coupled Hirota EquationsAdvanced Photonics 2014 OSA,Barcelona, Spain, 27-31 July 2014, JM5A.20.

[5]Shihua Chen, Philippe Grelu, and J. M. Soto-Crespo, Dark Rogue Waves in Media with Long Wave-Short Wave Resonance, ANZCOP2013, Perth, Australia, 8-11 Dec 2013.

[6]Shihua Chen, Huiping Liu, and Lin Yi, Numerically simulating stochastic generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equations: Robust algorithm, Computational Physics, Proceedings of ICCP-CCP2003, edited by X.-G. Zhao, S. Jiang and X.-J. Yu (Rinton Press, New Jersey, 2005).

[7]John M. Dudley and Shihua Chen, Spatiotemporal Nonlinear Optical Self-Similarity in Three Dimensions, CLEO®/Europe-EQEC2009, Munich, Germany, 14-19 June 2009