




1996 – 2000   吉林大学物理系物理学专业本科

2000 – 2003   吉林大学凝聚态物理专业硕士

2003 – 2006   中科院北京物理研究所凝聚态物理专业博士

2006 – 2008   美国肯特州立大学物理系博士后

2008 –            东南大学物理系副教授









Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Ceramics International, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Chinese Physics Letters, Chinese Physics B等杂志审稿人


一,双层锰氧化物中各向异性磁电阻效应研究                    2010/12012/12      国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目

二,研究各向异性磁电阻效应在锰氧化物中的物理机制    2009/12011/12       江苏省自然科学基金面上项目

三,研究层状钙钛矿氧化物的各向异性磁电阻效应             2011/12013/12       教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金

四,东南大学人才引进科研启动经费                                    2008/9开始


1.Effect of Sintering Temperature on Magnetic and Electrical Properties of GdBaCo2O5 + δ,

Yan-kun Tang*, Qian Yang, Xiao-fei Si, Jin-kang Han, Wei-wei Cao, Ya-fei Li, Fang Liu, Xiaoyan Yao, Ya Zhai,

J. Supercond. and Nov. Magn. 30, 1527 (2017).

2.Influence of vacuum degree on growth of Bi2Te3 single crystal,

Tang Yan-Kun*, Zhao Wen-Juan, Zhu Hua-Qiang , Huang Yong-Chao, Cao Wei-Wei, Yang Qian, Yao Xiao-Yan, Zhai Ya, and Dong Shuai,

Chinese Phys. B 24078101 (2015).

3.The role of the hybridization between Mn 3d and O 2p orbitals in the existence of the Griffiths phase in La0.85Ca0.15MnO3,

        Hong-guang Zhang, Jiang-jian Shi, Yong-tao Li, Xue-guang Dong, Xiao-peng Ge, Hao Liu, Qing-teng Hou, Qi Li* and Yan-kun Tang*,

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 26, 145601 (2014).

4.Local Structure and Superconducting Properties of Bi2Te3-Doped YBa2Cu3O7−δ,

Xueguang Dong, Wenjuan Zhao, Yankun Tang, Peiquan Duan, Hongguang Zhang, Yongtao Li, Hao Liu, Xiaopeng Ge, Qi Li,

J. Supercond. Nov. Magn. 27, 1819 (2014).

5.Magnetic orders of LaTiO3 under epitaxial strain: A first-principles study,

        Yakui Weng, Xin Huang, Yankun Tang, and Shuai Dong,

J. App. Phys. 115, 17E108 (2014).

6.Influence of magnetic correlations on low-field magnetoresistance in La2/3Sr1/3MnO3/SrTiO3 composites,

Yan-kun Tang*, Xue-feng Ge, Xiao-fei Si, Wen-juan Zhao, Yu Wang, Shuai Dong, Ya Zhai, Yu Sui, Wen-Hui Su, and C. C. Almasan,

Phys. Status Solidi A 210, 1195 (2013).

7.Strain-engineered A-type antiferromagnetic order in YTiO3: A firstprinciples  calculation,

        Xin Huang, Yankun Tang, and Shuai Dong,

J. App. Phys. 113, 17E108 (2013).

8.Structure and magnetic properties of Y1-xLuxFeO3 (0 < x < 1) ceramics composites,

Xue-ping Yuan, Yan-kun Tang*, Yue Sun, and Ming-xiang Xu*,

J. Appl. Phys. 111, 053911 (2012).

9.Cluster spin glass behavior in Bi(Fe0.95Co0.05)O3,

Qingyu Xu, Shengqiang Zhou, D. Wu, Marc Uhlarz, Y. K. Tang, Kay Potzger, M. X. Xu, and Heidemarie Schmidt,

J. Appl. Phys. 107, 093920 (2010).

10.Effect of Fe doping on the magnetic properties of GdBaCo2O5.5-δ,

Yan-kun Tang and C. C. Almasan,

Phys. Rev. B. 77, 94403 (2008).

11.Magnetic aging above the freezing temperature in La0.82Sr0.18CoO3,

Yan-kun Tang, Young Sun, and Zhao-hua Cheng,

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 20, 95208 (2008).

12.A superstructure modulation induced by La doping of the layered manganite LaxSr4-xMn3O10,

H. Yang, Y. K. Tang, L. D. Yao, W. Zhang, Q. A. Li, F. Y. Li, C. Q. Jin, R. C. Yu,

J. Alloys Compd. 454, 1 (2008).

13.Intrinsic exchange bias effect in phase-separated La0.82Sr0.18CoO3single crystal,

Wan-Guo Huang, Xiang-Qun Zhang, Hai-Feng Du, Ren-Fu Yang, Yan-kun Tang, Young Sun and Zhao-Hua Cheng,

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 20 445209 (2008).

14.Synthesis, structure and phase separation of a new 12R-type perovskite-related oxide Ba3NdMn2O9,

H. Yang, Y. K. Tang, L. D. Yao, W. Zhang, Q. A. Li, F. Y. Li, C. Q. Jin, and R. C. Yu,

J. Alloys Compd. 432, 283 (2007).

15.Local structure modulation of the low La-doped layered strontium manganite Sr4Mn3O10 studied by transmission electron microscopy and electron energy-loss spectroscopy,

        H. Yang, Y. K. Tang, J. L. Jiang, W. J. Feng, Z. Q. Wei, L. D. Yao, W. Zhang, Q. A. Li, F. Y. Li, C. Q. Jin, and R. C. Yu,

J. Mater. Sci. 42, 9559 (2007).

16.Exchange bias associated with phase separation in the perovskite cobaltite La1-xSrxCoO3,

Yan-kun Tang, Young Sun, and Zhao-hua Cheng,

Phys. Rev. B. 73, 174419 (2006).

17.Glassy magnetic behaviors in the phase-separated perovskite cobaltites,

Yan-kun Tang, Young Sun, and Zhao-hua Cheng,

Phys. Rev. B.73, 012409 (2006).

18.Cooling field dependence of exchange bias in phase-separated La0.88Sr0.12CoO3,

Yan-kun Tang, Young Sun, and Zhao-hua Cheng,

J. Appl. Phys. 100, 023914 (2006).

19.Study of magnetoresistance in nanostructured La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 powder compacts,

Yan-kun Tang, Yu Sui, Da-Peng Xu, Zheng-Nan Qian, and Wen-Hui Su,

J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 299, 260 (2006).

20.Colossal electroresistance and low-field colossal magnetoresistance in a single-crystal bilayered manganites La1.2Sr1.8Mn2O7,

Ren-fu Yang, Young Sun, Xiao Ma, Yan-kun Tang, Qing-an Li, and Zhao-hua Cheng,

Phys. Rev. B. 73, 92404 (2006).

21.Slight La doping induced ferromagnetic clusters in layered La3−3xSr1+3xMn3O10 (x=1.00, 0.99, 0.95),

Yan-kun Tang, Xiao Ma, Zhi-qi Kou, Young Sun, Nai-li Di, Zhao-hua Cheng, and Qing-an Li,

Phys. Rev. B. 72, 132403 (2005).

22.Preparation pressure effects on magnetoresistance of La2/3Sr1/3MnO3,

Tang Yan-kun, Yu Sui, Zheng-nan Qian, Yu-qiang Liu, Da-peng Xu, and Wen-hui Su,

Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics. 18, 36 (2004) (in Chinese).

23.Study on properties of the single-phase cubic Ce0.5Zr0.5O2 solid solution,

Da-peng Xu, Quan-yongWang, Yan-kun Tang, Zhe Lu Zhi-guo Liu, Shu-e Liu, Gong-mu Zhang, Wen-hui Su,

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 14 11265 (2002).




授权号CN 102610743 B,授权日 2014-03-12



1.Induced phase separation in GdBaCo2-xFexO5.5-d by Fe doping, Yan-kun Tang, and C. C. Almasan, Oral Presentation, 2008 American Physical Society Annual March Meeting, New Orleans, USA, March 2008.

2.Aging and memory in the phase separated cobaltites唐雁坤,杨仁福,廖达前,邸乃力,李庆安,成昭华,孙阳,分组报告,第十二届全国磁学磁性材料会议,武夷山市,200511月。

3.Orign of the glassy magnetic behavior in the phase separated cobaltites唐雁坤,杨仁福,廖达前,邸乃力,李庆安,成昭华,孙阳,分组报告,中国物理学会秋季会议,武汉,2005年九月。




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