报告题目:Interfacial interactions between nanoclusters and surface ligands
报告人:Dr. Ping Yang, Los Alamos National Laboratory
时间: 9月25号(周一)下午2:30pm
地点: 田家炳楼南203室
邀请人: 王金兰
Interfacial chemistry of nano-sized materials is critical for controlling the morphology
that drives their unique associated chemical and physical properties. Metal oxide,
such as CeO2, is an important material with a wide range of applications, including
catalysts, electrolytes, and in solar cells because of its ability to accommodate
varying charge states. Nanoparticle have been recently identified for biomedical
applications in which the ligand-nanoparticle interactions are of paramount
importance for controlling the required properties. We will demonstrate how the
synergy between theory and experiment has accelerated the progress in this field.
The theoretical results are validated by imaging and spectroscopic characterizations.
A better molecular-level understanding of the interfacial chemistry including
coordination, energetics and reaction mechanisms will pave the way to a better
strategy to design and control the size, shape and properties of nanoclusters.
杨萍 研究科学家 (Staff Scientist) (理论部, 洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室)
杨萍, 毕业月东南大学化学化工系,分别于1997 和2000 获得本科和硕士学位,师从刘宏建和孙岳明老师。 随后,她就读密歇根理工大学,于2005年取得计算机硕士和理论化学博士。在洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室做了两年博士后,于2008年在太平洋国家实验室作为资深研究科学家(Senior research scientist)开始工作。2015年,她再次搬回到了洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室理论部。 目前在SCI 杂志上发表论文60余篇,其中在国际顶尖杂志(science, PNAS, JACS, Angew Chem,Chem Sci) 上发表20余篇,参与了两本关于重元素化学研究参考书的编写工作,受邀到国际会议和欧美各主要核能研究机构做报告50余次,多次受邀作为美国国家科学基金(NSF)评委。 主要从事重元素理论化学, 无机和表面化学的反应和动力学的理论研究。