11月4日科普报告:How physics comes to sing in mathematical tune


报告题目:How physics comes to sing in mathematical tune

报告人:杨信男 教授,台湾大学物理系名誉教授






That any scientific law and theorem should be expressible in mathematical terms is nowadays taken for granted. This is especially true in physics, where any theory is required to be mathematically complete and self-consistent. Such a high level of sophistication is not achieved in one day, but rather via the consecutive efforts of many great scientists over the 4,000 years of history. In this talk, I’ll elaborate and recount the seminal developments which led mathematics to become the language of all physical theories, starting from the Babylonian period, chronologically.


杨信男教授简介:现为台湾大学物理系名誉教授,杨信男教授于台湾大学物理系获学士学位,1972年于美国纽约州立大学石溪分校获物理博士学位,随后在Brookhaven 国家实验室和华盛顿大学(西雅图)做博士后,之后返回台湾大学物理系工作至今,曾担任台湾大学物理系系主任.杨信男教授主要研究理论核物理和强子物理,2002年被选为美国物理学会 (APS) Fellow, 2008年被PSROC授予特殊贡献奖.