10月29日上午10点学术报告:A Stroll Through Quantum Walks


报告人:Barry C. Sanders

题目: A Stroll Through Quantum Walks

摘要: The subject of quantum walks emerged from considerations of the ubiquitous random walks inherent in diffusion in physics and chemistry, randomized algorithms in computer science, and Wiener measures in mathematics. From its humble beginnings as a generalization of random walks, quantum walks have emerged into a large-scale theoretical and experimental research area extending into a wide spectrum of areas including universal quantum computing, simulating topological phenomena, and modeling energy transport in certain biological molecular complexes. We shall begin with a primer on quantum walks and then cover current hot theoretical studies and experimental implementations of quantum walks.




Dr Barry Sanders is AITF iCORE Strategic Chair in Quantum Information Science and Director of the Institute for Quantum Science and Technology at the University of Calgary. Dr Sanders also holds a QianRen B Chair in the Division of Quantum Physics and Quantum Information of the National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale at the University of Science and Technology China.

Dr Sanders received his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Calgary in 1984 and a Diploma of Imperial College supervised by Professor Sir Thomas W. B. Kibble. He completed a PhD in 1987 at Imperial College supervised by Professor Sir Peter Knight. His postdoctoral research was supervised by Professor Gerard Milburn at the Australian National University then at the University of Queensland and by Professor Crispin Gardiner at the University of Waikato. Dr. Sanders joined the Physics Department of Macquarie University in 1991 and was there for 12 years, including 6 years as Department Head, before moving to Calgary in 2003.

Dr Sanders is an Associate Editor of Physical Review A, a former Editor of Optics Communications and former North American Editor of the New Journal of Physics. He is an editorial board member of Mathematical Structures of Computer Science.