4月17日学术报告:Modified Dirac fermions in valleytronic materials and topological insulators


题目: Modified Dirac fermions in valleytronic materials and topological insulators
报告人: 李舟 博士(加拿大McMaster大学)
时间: 本周四4月17日,上午9点40
邀请人: 董帅

摘要: In Graphene and topological insulators, the Hamiltonian is governed by Dirac equation. In spintronics the Hamiltonian is similar but with the strength of Fermi velocity to be about 100 times smaller, making the system cross over from Dirac fermions to Schrodinger fermions. Other kinds of spin-orbit interaction exists in Graphene and Graphene-like materials, for example, the Haldane spin orbit interaction, which plays an important role in spin-valley coupled systems typical for valleytronics. Other Hamiltonian (e.g. warping) and the transport properties (optical and magneto-optical, for example) will be discussed. Finally the impact of electron-phonon interaction on these systems will be addressed.

报告人简介:2004年获南京大学理学学士学位,2007年获北京大学凝聚态理论硕士学位,2012年获加拿大阿尔伯塔大学博士学位。在阿尔伯塔大学读博士期间获得纳米技术创新奖学金,并在2012年获得中国政府优秀自费留学生奖学金,还获得Andrew Stewart毕业生奖和阿尔伯塔省优秀博士论文奖。2014年获邀在美国物理学会三月会议(APS March Meeting) 作邀请报告,并担任组织者。曾在日本理化学研究所和澳大利亚卧龙冈大学任访问学者。现任麦克马斯特大学博士后研究员。