11月5日学术报告:Systematic study of alpha decay half-lives and branching ratios of deformed


学术报告:Systematic study of alpha decay half-lives and branching ratios of deformed nuclei
报告人:任中洲教授 南京大学物理学院

Alpha decay plays an important role for researches of nuclear structure and for the synthesis of new elements. Many new elements and new nuclides are discovered by the identification of alpha decay chains to known nuclei. In this talk, I review the recent progress on researches of alpha decay half-lives which includes the famous Geiger-Nuttall law, the semi-classical method, and the pure quantum method. I put emphasis on the new models of alpha decay half-lives of deformed nuclei which are developed by our groups. With these new models we carry out systematic calculations on both the half-lives and the branching ratios of alpha decay for deformed nuclei. This is an important development for the calculations of alpha decay half-lives.

个人简介:任中洲教授1988 在南京大学物理系博士研究生毕业后留校任教,任讲师。1990 任南京大学物理系副教授。1996 任南京大学物理系教授。1992-1993在法国GANIL大加速器国家实验室做博士后研究。1997-1999在德国图宾根大学做洪堡研究员。1999-2000 在日本大阪大学做COE客座教授。2001获国家杰出青年基金。2003 受聘教育部长江学者特聘教授。研究领域为原子核物理和理论物理,发表了包括在Phys.Rev.Lett.,Phys.Lett.B等国际学术期刊上的一批高质量论文,受到了国内外同行的引用和好评。