10月14日学术报告:A ferroelectric-like transition in metallic oxide LiOsO3


报告题目:A ferroelectric-like transition in metallic oxide LiOsO3
报告人:Dr. Kazunari Yamaura

报告人单位:National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)

and Hokkaido University, Japan



报告摘要:Metals cannot exhibit ferroelectricity because static internal electric fields are screened by conduction electrons [1], but in 1965, Anderson and Blount predicted the possibility of a “ferroelectric” metal, in which a ferroelectric-like transition occurs in the metallic state [2]. Up to now, no clear example of such a material has been identified. Here we report on a centrosymmetric (R-3c) to non-centrosymmetric (R3c) transition in metallic LiOsO3 (Fig. 1a) that is structurally equivalent to the ferroelectric transition of LiNbO3 [3]. The transition involves a continuous shift in the mean position of Li+ ions on cooling below 140 K (Figs. 1b and 1c). Its discovery realizes the scenario described by Anderson and Blount [2], and establishes a new class of materials whose properties may differ from those of normal metals [4].


[1]      Lines ME, Glass AM. Principles and Applications of Ferroelectrics and Related Materials: Oxford University Press, New York; 2001.

[2]      Anderson PW, Blount EI. Symmetry considerations on martensitic transformations: "ferroelectric" metals? Phys Rev Lett 1965; 14: 217-219.

[3]      Boysen H, Altorfer F. A neutron powder investigation of the high-temperature structure and phase transition in LiNbO3. Acta Cryst 1994; B50: 405-414.

[4]      Shi YG, Guo YG, Wang XX , et al. A ferroelectric-like transition in a metal. Nature Mater 2013. 


Kazunari Yamaura研究员简历:
年,Kyoto University, JapanPh.D. (Science)

1997年,Princeton University (US) , Postdoctoral Fellow

2000年,National Institute for Research in Inorganic Materials

(NIRIM; a predecessor of NIMS), Postdoctoral Researcher

2001年,NIMS, guest researcher

2004年,NIMS, Senior Researcher

2007年,NIMS, Principal Researcher.


Research interests:

1. New materials research on solid-state oxides and non-oxides focusing on correlated electrons behaviors such as superconductivity, multi-ferroic properties, and half-metal properties.

2. Materials synthesis, advanced characterizations, and studies of materials properties, all aimed at developing materials that have potential for applications.