

v      时间:2012427日上午1000

v      地点:东南大学物理系田家炳南楼203

v      主讲人:许祝安

v      单位:浙江大学物理系

v      主讲人简介:许祝安,男,浙江大学物理系教授、凝聚态物理所所长。2002年获教育部霍英东青年教师奖、国家杰出青年科学基金;2004年入选新世纪百千万人才计划;2005年入选长江学者奖励计划 特聘教授、获浙江省青年科技奖;2006年获国务院政府特殊津贴;2007年入选教育部创新团队负责人。从事高温超导电性、非常规超导体、强关联电子体系和量子相变等研究。访问美国普林斯顿大学期间率先发现赝能隙,为攻克高温超导机理这一世界性难题奠定了基础。铁基超导体发现后,开展了一系列开创性的工作。发表SCI论文120余篇,其中Nature一篇,PRL六篇,他引2000余次,多篇入选ESI高引论文。

v      摘要:We have performed various approaches of chemical doping both outside the FeAs layer and within the FeAs layer to induce superconductivity in FeAs-based pnictides. (1) We have successfully obtained a series of Th-doped 1111 Ln1-xThxFeAsO superconductors, especially for the case that Ln is a heavy rare earth element. TC of 56 K is reached for the Gd1-xThxFeAsO system. (2) We independently discovered superconductivity in the Co-doped 1111 system and first reported superconductivity in the Ni-doped 122 system. (3) We first obtained chemical pressure induced superconductivity by doping P on As site and observed the coexistence of ferromagnetism with superconductivity in EuFe2(As1-xPx)2. The phase diagrams of CeFeAs1-xPxO and CeFeAs1-xPxO0.95F0.05 were established and the competition of superconductivity with magnetism and Kondo effect is demonstrated. (4) The effect of nonmagnetic impurity Zn on superconductivity and its implication to pairing symmetry was studied.