Manipulation of magnetic spin textures at room temperature in a van der Waals ferromagnet
X. Luo, M.X. Fang, Z. Shen, W.C. Fan, X.X. Ma, Z.C. Wang, A.L. Shen, J.C. Zhang, H.R. Ye, Y. Xing, X.Y. Yao, N. Zhong, S.X. Cao, P. Yu, C.G. Duan, S. Dong, L.L. Li*
Physical Review B 111, 014442 (2025)
编辑推荐(Editors' suggestion)
Two-dimensional multiferroic NbPc covalent organic framework with strong magnetoelectric coupling and room-temperature ferroelectricity
W. Li, D.Y. Zhu, S. Dong, J.-J. Zhang*
Physical Review B 111, 035439 (2025)
Emergence of topological defects and spin liquid in a two-orbital spin-fermion model on the honeycomb lattice
K.D. Xu, S.S. Wang,* R. Yu,* S. Dong*
Physical Review B 111, 014413 (2025)
Observation of universal topologically magnetoelectric switching in multiferroic GdMn2O5
H.W. Wang, F. Wang, M. Yang, Y.T. Chang, M.Y. Shi, L. Li, J.-M. Liu, J.F. Wang,* S. Dong,* C.L. Lu*
Physical Review Letters 134, 016708 (2025)
Long-distance coupling of standing spin waves mediated by a charge current
Q. Chen, Z.C. Huang, B. Fang, R.X. Li, Y. Xiao, H.G. Lai, Q.J. Guo, W.M. Lv, L. Wang, S. Dong, Z.M. Zeng, Y. Zhai, K. Xia
Physical Review B 110, 224427 (2024)
Stacking-dependent ferroicity of a reversed bilayer: altermagnetism or ferroelectricity
W.C. Sun, H.S. Ye, L. Liang, N. Ding, S. Dong,* S.-S. Wang*
Physical Review B 110, 224418 (2024)
Possible role of toroidal moments and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in the magnetoelectric effect of the hyperkagome compound Mn3Al2Ge3O12
L.L. Tan, G.G. Ma, S.H. Zheng,* M.F. Liu,* J.H. Min, J.H. Zhang, Y. Li, Y.L. Xie, Z. Ma, Y.J. Zhang, L. Lin, X.Z.Wang, H. Li, S. Dong, J.-M. Liu
Physical Review B 110, 245116 (2024)
Unusual magnetic and transport properties in the Zintl phase Eu11Zn6As12
Z.Y. Zhou, Z.W. Wang, X.Y. Chen, J.-Y. Lu, J.C. Zhang, X. Luo, G.-H. Cao, S. Dong, Z.-C. Wang*
Physical Review Materials 8, 114421 (2024)
Noncollinear ferrielectricity and hydrogen-induced ferromagnetic polar half-metallicity in MnO3Cl
X.Y. Yang, J. Chen, S.-S. Wang,* S. Dong*
Physical Review B 110, 134113 (2024)
Record-large magnetically driven polarization in room temperature ferromagnets OsX2 monolayers
Y. Zhou, H.S. Ye, J.T. Zhang, S. Dong*
Physical Review Materials 8, 104403 (2024)
Double-leaf Riemann surface topological converse magnetoelectricity
Y. Zhou, H.S. Ye, J.T. Zhang,* S. Dong*
Physical Review B 110, 054424 (2024)
Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction torques and domain wall dynamics in van der Waals heterostructures<
J. Chen, C.R. Gui, S. Dong*
Physical Review B 110, L060406 (2024)
Letter 快讯
Quasi-one-dimensional sliding ferroelectricity in NbI4
N. Ding, H.S. Ye, S. Dong*
Physical Review B 110, 024115 (2024)
Manipulating magnetism and transport properties of EuCd2P2 with a low carrier concentration
X.Y. Chen, Z.W. Wang, Z.Y. Zhou, W.Z. Yang, Y. Liu, J.-Y. Lu, Z. Ren, G.-H. Cao, F. Tafti, S. Dong,* Z.-C. Wang*
Physical Review B 109, 224428 (2024)
Carrier-induced transition from antiferromagnetic insulator to ferromagnetic metal in the layered phosphide EuZn2P2
X.Y. Chen, W.Z. Yang, J.-Y. Lu, Z.Y. Zhou, Z. Ren, G.-H. Cao, S. Dong, Z.-C. Wang*
Physical Review B 109, L180410 (2024)
Letter 快讯
Magnetic structure and magnetoelectric coupling in antiferromagnet Co5(TeO3)4Cl2
B. Yu, L. Huang, J.S. Li, L. Lin,* V. O. Garlea, Q. Zhang, T. Zou, J.C. Zhang, J. Peng, Y.S. Tang, G.Z. Zhou, J.H. Zhang, S.H. Zheng, M.F. Liu, Z.B. Yan, X.H. Zhou, S. Dong, J.G. Wan,* J.-M. Liu
Physical Review B 109, 184106 (2024)
Two-dimensional 5d multiferroic W3Cl8: Breathing kagome lattice and tunable magneto-optical Kerr effect
D. Hu, H.S. Ye, N. Ding, K.D. Xu, S.-S. Wang, S. Dong,* X.Y. Yao*
Physical Review B 109, 014433 (2024)
Investigation of de Haas-van Alphen and Shubnikov-de Haas quantum oscillations in PrTe3
X. Luo, X.X. Ma, J.C. Zhang, Y. Xing, A.L. Shen, S.C. Shen, J. Peng, S. Dong, L.L. Li*
Physical Review B 109, 035121 (2024)
Large in-plane negative piezoelectricity and giant nonlinear optical susceptibility in elementary ferroelectric monolayers
Z.W. Wang, S. Dong*
Physical Review B 108, 235423 (2023)
Magnetoelectric coupling and cross control in two-dimensional ferromagnets
F. Wang, Y. Zhou, X.F. Shen, S. Dong, J.T. Zhang*
Physical Review Applied 20, 064011 (2023)
Manipulation of magnetic topological textures via perpendicular strain and polarization in van der Waals magnetoelectric heterostructure
Z. Shen, S. Dong,* X.Y. Yao*
Physical Review B 108, L140412 (2023)
Letter 快讯
Colossal linear magnetoelectricity in polar magnet Fe2Mo3O8
Y.T. Chang, Y.K. Weng, Y.L. Xie, B. You, J.F. Wang, L. Li, J.-M. Liu, S. Dong,* C.L. Lu*
Physical Review Letters 131, 136701 (2023)
Magnetic properties of the quasi-one-dimensional S=1 zigzag spin chain antiferromagnet BaNiTe2O7
X.Y. Chen, Y.M. Gao, M.F. Liu,* T. Zou,* V.O. Garlea, Z. Liu, W.J. Niu, G.Z. Zhou, F. Liu, S.H. Zheng, Y.L. Xie, X.Z. Wang, H. Li, S. Dong,* J.-M. Liu
Physical Review Materials 7, 094404 (2023)
Two-orbital spin-fermion model study of ferromagnetism in honeycomb lattice
K.D. Xu, D. Hu, J. Chen, H.S. Ye, L. Han, S.-S. Wang,* S. Dong*
Physical Review B 108, 094401 (2023)
First-principles demonstration of Roman surface topological multiferroicity
Z.W. Wang, Y.S. Chai,* S. Dong*
Physical Review B 108, L060407 (2023)
Letter 快讯
Antiferromagnetic topological insulating state in Tb0.02Bi1.08Sb0.9Te2S single crystals
L. Guo, W.Y. Zhao,* M. Xu, L. Chen, A. Bake, Y.H. He, Y. Fang, D. Cortie, X.L. Wang, S. Dong, J. Karel, R.-K. Zheng*
Physical Review B 107, 125125 (2023)
Multiferroic nitride perovskites with giant polarizations and large magnetic moments
C.R. Gui, J. Chen, S. Dong*
Physical Review B 106, 184418 (2022)
Unusual electric polarization behavior in elemental quasi-two-dimensional allotropes of selenium
D. Liu,* L. Han, R. Wei, S.X. Song, J. Guan, S. Dong, D. Tomanek*
Physical Review Materials 6, 103403 (2022)
Stacking dependent ferroelectricity and antiferroelectricity in quasi-one-dimensional oxyhalides NbOX3
W.C. Sun, N. Ding, J. Chen, H.-P. You, J. Peng, S.-S. Wang,* S. Dong*
Physical Review Materials 6, 104404 (2022)
Magneto-optical Kerr effect and magnetoelasticity in a weakly ferromagnetic RuF4 monolayer
N. Wang, J. Chen, N. Ding, H.M. Zhang, S. Dong,* S.-S. Wang*
Physical Review B 106, 064435 (2022)
Magnetic phase transition induced ferroelectric polarization in BaFeF4 with room-temperature weak ferromagnetism
F. Zhang, Y. S. Tang, R.R. Li, T.Y. Liu, D.S. Xu, Y.Z. Chen, B. Niu, S.J. Yuan, S. Qin, Z.B. Yan, J. Du,* D. Wu, Q. Li, S. Dong,* Q.Y. Xu*
Physical Review Materials 6, 044408 (2022)
Two-dimensional ferroelectricity induced by octahedral rotation distortion in perovskite oxides
Y. Zhou, S. Dong, C.X. Shan, K. Ji, J.T. Zhang*
Physical Review B 105, 075408 (2022)
Vector vorticity of skyrmionic texture: An internal degree of freedom tunable by magnetic field
X.Y. Yao,* S. Dong*
Physical Review B 105, 014444 (2022)
Stability and low-energy orientations of interphase boundaries in ferroelectrics: Thermodynamics and phase-field simulations
Y. Zhang,* F. Xue,* B. Wang, J.-M. Hu, S. Dong, J.-M. Liu, L.-Q. Chen
Physical Review B 105, 014108 (2022)
Manipulation of Jeff=3/2 states by tuning the tetragonal distortion
Y.K. Weng,* S. Dong*
Physical Review B 104, 165150 (2021)
Multiferroic properties of oxygen-functionalized magnetic i-MXene
M.Y. Zhao, J. Chen, S.-S. Wang, M. An,* S. Dong*
Physical Review Materials 5, 094408 (2021)
Phase competition and negative piezoelectricity in interlayer-sliding ferroelectric ZrI2
N. Ding, J. Chen, C.R. Gui, H.P. You, X.Y. Yao,* S. Dong*
Physical Review Materials 5, 084405 (2021)
Ferroelectricity in strained Hf2CF2 monolayer
Z.W. Wang, N. Ding, J. Chen, C.R. Gui, S.S. Wang, M. An,* S. Dong*
Physical Review Materials 5, 074408 (2021)
Ferroelectric control of spin-polarized two-dimensional electron gas
Y.K. Weng,* W. Niu, X. Huang, M. An, S. Dong
Physical Review B 103, 214101 (2021)
Magnetic structure and multiferroicity in Sc-substituted hexagonal YbFeO3
Y.S. Tang, S.M. Wang, L. Lin,* V.O. Garlea, T. Zou,* S.H. Zheng, H.-M. Zhang, J.T. Zhou, Z.L. Luo, Z.B. Yan, S. Dong,* T. Charlton, J.-M. Liu
Physical Review B 103, 174102 (2021)
Peierls transition driven ferroelasticity in two-dimensional d-f hybrid magnet
H.P. You, Y. Zhang, J. Chen, N. Ding, M. An, L. Miao, S. Dong*
Physical Review B 103, L161408 (2021)
Noncollinear ferrielectricity and morphotropic phase boundary in GeS monolayer
S.X. Song, Y. Zhang, J. Guan,* S. Dong*
Physical Review B 103, L140104 (2021)
Manipulation of magnetic domain wall by ferroelectric switching: Dynamic magnetoelectricity at the nanoscale
J. Chen, S. Dong*
Physical Review Letters 126, 117603 (2021)
Nonmonotonic crossover in electronic phase separated manganite superlattices driven by the superlattice period
Y.Y. Zhu, B.Y. Ye, Q. Li, H. Liu, T. Miao, L.J. Wu, L. Li, L.F. Lin, Y. Zhu, Q. Shi, Y.L. Yang, K. Du, Y. Bai, Y. Yu, H.W. Guo, W.B. Wang, X.S. Xu, X.S. Wu, Z.C. Zhong, S. Dong, Y.M. Zhu, E. Dagotto,* L.F. Yin,* J. Shen*
Physical Review B 102, 235107 (2020)
Pressure-induced ferroelectric phase of LaMoN3
C.R. Gui, S. Dong*
Physical Review B 102, 180103(R) (2020)
快讯(Rapid Communication)
Similarities and differences between nickelate and cuprate films grown on a SrTiO3 substrate
Y. Zhang, L.-F. Lin, W.J. Hu, A. Moreo, S. Dong, E. Dagotto
Physical Review B 102, 195117 (2020)
Featured in Physics
Strong tuning of magnetism and electronic structure by spin orientation
Y.K. Weng, X.A. Li, S. Dong*
Physical Review B 102, 180401(R) (2020)
快讯(Rapid Communication)
Ferroelectricity and ferromagnetism in a VOI2 monolayer: the role of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction
N. Ding, J. Chen, S. Dong,* A. Stroppa*
Physical Review B 102, 165129 (2020)
Stability, electronic, and optical properties of lead-free halide double perovskites (CH3NH3)2InBiX6 (X = halogen)
X. Huang,* Y.H. Wang, Y.K. Weng, Z.H. Yang,* S. Dong
Physical Review Materials 4, 104601 (2020)
First-principles study of low-temperature charge density waves in the
quasi-one-dimensional Weyl chiral compound (TaSe4)2I
Y. Zhang,* L.-F. Lin, A. Moreo, S. Dong, E. Dagotto*
Physical Review B 101, 174106 (2020)
Iron telluride ladder compounds: Predicting the structural and magnetic properties of BaFe2Te3
Y. Zhang, L.-F. Lin, A. Moreo, S. Dong, E. Dagotto*
Physical Review B 101, 144417 (2020)
Magnetic states of iron-based two-leg ladder tellurides
Y. Zhang, L.-F. Lin, A. Moreo, S. Dong, E. Dagotto*
Physical Review B 100, 184419 (2019)
Quasi-one-dimensional ferroelectricity and piezoelectricity in WOX4 family
L.-F. Lin, Y. Zhang, A. Moreo, E. Dagotto, S. Dong*
Physical Review Materials 3, 111401(R) (2019)
快讯(Rapid Communication)
Low-temperature crystal and magnetic structures of the magnetoelectric material Fe4Nb2O9
R. Jana, D. Sheptyakov, X.Y. Ma, J.A. Alonso,* M.C. Pi, A. Munoz, Z.Y. Liu, L.L. Zhao, N. Su, S.F. Jin, X.B. Ma, K. Sun, D.F. Chen, S. Dong, Y.S. Chai,* S.L. Li, J.G. Cheng*
Physical Review B 100, 094109 (2019)
Frustrated dipole order induces noncollinear proper ferrielectricity in two dimensions
L.-F. Lin, Y. Zhang, A. Meoro, E. Dagotto, S. Dong*
Physical Review Letters 123, 067601 (2019)
Possible emergence of a skyrmion phase in ferroelectric GaMo4S8
H.-M. Zhang, J. Chen, P. Barone, K. Yamauchi, S. Dong,* S. Picozzi*
Physical Review B 99, 214427 (2019)
Magnetic borophenes from an evolutionary search
M.-H. Zhu, X.-J. Weng, G.Y. Gao, S. Dong, L.-F. Lin, W.-H. Wang, Q. Zhu, A.R. Oganov, X. Dong,* Y.J. Tian, X.-F. Zhou,* H.-T. Wang*
Physical Review B 99, 205412 (2019)
Anisotropic resistance switching in hexagonal manganites
X.Y. Wang,* D.N. Yang, H.-M. Zhang, C.Y. Song, J. Wang, G.T. Tan, R.K. Zheng, S. Dong,* S.-W. Cheong, J.X. Zhang*
Physical Review B 99, 054106 (2019)
Protective layer enhanced stability and superconductivity of tailored antimonene bilayer
J.-J. Zhang, Y. Zhang, S. Dong*
Physical Review Materials 2, 126004 (2018)
Stabilization and modulation of topological magnetic phase with Z2-vortex lattice in Kitaev-Heisenberg honeycomb model: the key role of the third nearest neighboring interaction
X.Y. Yao,* S. Dong*
Physical Review B 98, 054413 (2018)
Room temperature ferrimagnetic multiferroic BiFe0.5Co0.5O3 thin films with giant piezoelectric response
B.Z. Gao, L.F. Lin, C. Chen, L.J. Wei, J. Wang, B. Xu, C. Li, J. Bian, S. Dong,* Jun Du,* Q.Y. Xu*
Physical Review Materials 2, 084401 (2018)
Persistent large anisotropic magnetoresistance and insulator-to-metal transition in spin-orbit-coupled Sr2(Ir1-xGax)O4 for antiferromagnetic spintronics
H.W. Wang, W. Wang, N. Hu, T.C. Duan, S.L. Yuan, S. Dong, C.L. Lu,* J.-M. Liu
Physical Review Applied 10, 014025 (2018)
Unexpected intermediate state photoinduced in the metal-insulator transition of submicrometer phase-separated manganites
H.X. Lin, H. Liu, L.F. Lin, S. Dong, H.Y. Chen, Y. Bai, T. Miao, Y. Yu, W.C. Yu, J. Tang, Y.Y. Zhu, Y.F. Kou, J.B. Niu, Z.H. Cheng, J. Xiao, W.B. Wang, E. Dagotto,* L.F. Yin,* J. Shen*
Physical Review Letters 120, 267202 (2018)
Structural transitions in hybrid improper ferroelectric Ca3Ti2O7 tuned by site-selective iso-valent substitutions: a first-principles study
C.F. Li, S.H. Zheng, H.W. Wang, J.J. Gong, X. Li, Y. Zhang, K.L. Yang, L. Lin, Z. B. Yan, S. Dong,* J.-M. Liu
Physical Review B 97, 184105 (2018)
Sequential structural and antiferromagnetic transitions in BaFe2Se3 under pressure
Y. Zhang, L.-F. Lin, J.-J. Zhang, E. Dagotto, S. Dong*
Physical Review B 97, 045119 (2018)
Appearance and disappearance of ferromagnetism in ultra-thin LaMnO3 on SrTiO3 substrate: a viewpoint from first-principles
M. An, Y.K. Weng, H.M. Zhang, J.J. Zhang, Y. Zhang, S. Dong*
Physical Review B 96, 235112 (2017)
Ferroelectric ferrimagnetic LiFe2F6: charge ordering mediated magnetoelectricity
L.F. Lin, Q.R. Xu, Y. Zhang, J.-J. Zhang, Y.-P. Liang, S. Dong*
Physical Review Materials 1, 071401(R) (2017)
快讯(Rapid Communication)
Reversibility of magnetic field driven transition from electronic phase separation state to single phase state in manganites: A microscopic view
H. Liu, L.F. Lin, Y. Yu, H.X. Lin, Y.Y. Zhu, T. Miao, Y. Bai, Q. Shi, P. Cai, Y.F. Kou, F.L. Lan, W.B. Wang, X.D. Zhou, S. Dong,* L.F. Yin,* J. Shen*
Physical Review B 96, 195154 (2017)
Exchange striction driven magnetodielectric effect and potential photovoltaic effect in polar CaOFeS
Y. Zhang, L.F. Lin, J.-J. Zhang, X. Huang, M. An, S. Dong*
Physical Review Materials 1, 034406 (2017)
Cycloidal magnetism driven ferroelectricity in double tungstate LiFe(WO4)2
M.F. Liu, L.F. Lin, Y. Zhang, S.Z. Li, Q.Z. Huang, V.O. Garlea, T. Zou, Y.L. Xie, Y. Wang, C.L. Lu, L. Yang, Z.B. Yan, X.Z. Wang, S. Dong,* J.-M. Liu
Physical Review B 95, 195134 (2017)
(LaTiO3)n/(LaVO3)n as a model system for unconventional charge transfer and possible polar
Y.K. Weng, J.J. Zhang, B. Gao, S. Dong*
Physical Review B 95, 155117 (2017)
Pressure-driven phase transition from antiferromagnetic semiconductor to nonmagnetic metal in the two-leg ladders AFe2X3 (A=Ba or K, X=S or Se)
Y. Zhang, L.F. Lin, J.J. Zhang, E. Dagotto, S. Dong*
Physical Review B 95, 115154 (2017)
Electronic structure and stability of the CH3NH3PbBr3 (001) surface
X. Huang, T.R. Paudel,* P.A. Dowben, S. Dong, E.Y. Tsymbal*
Physical Review B 94, 195309 (2016)
Inversion of ferrimagnetic magnetization by ferroelectric switching via a novel magnetoelectric coupling
Y.K. Weng, L.F. Lin, E. Dagotto, S. Dong*
Physical Review Letters 117, 037601 (2016)
Spin glass state and enhanced spiral phase in doped delafossite oxide CuCrO2
Z.R. Yan, M.H. Qin,* S. Dong, M. Zeng, X.B. Lu, X.S. Gao, J.-M. Liu*
Physical Review B 94, 024410 (2016)
Strain enhanced superconductivity MoX2 (X=S or Se) bilayers with Na intercalation
J.J. Zhang, B. Gao, S. Dong*
Physical Review B 93, 155430 (2016)
Phase transitions in a frustrated biquadratic Heisenberg model with coupled orbital degree of freedom for iron-based superconductors
W.Z. Zhuo, M.H. Qin,* S. Dong, X.G. Li, J.-M. Liu,*
Physical Review B 93, 094424 (2016)
Role of further-neighbor interactions in modulating the critical behavior of the Ising model with frustration
R.M. Liu, W.Z. Zhuo, S. Dong, X.B. Lu, X.S. Gao, M.H. Qin*, J.-M. Liu*
Physical Review E 93, 032114 (2016)
Topological end states in two-orbital double-exchange model for colossal magnetoresistive manganites
Y. Li, S. Dong,* S.P. Kou*
Physical Review B 93, 085139 (2016)
Hexagonal phase stabilization and magnetic orders of multiferroic Lu1-xScxFeO3
L. Lin, H.M. Zhang, M.F. Liu, S.D. Shen, S. Zhou, D. Li, X. Wang, Z.B. Yan, Z.D. Zhang, J. Zhao, S. Dong,* J.-M. Liu*
Physical Review B 93, 075146 (2016)
Direct observation of current-induced conductive path in colossal-electroresistance manganites thin films
W.G. Wei, Y.Y. Zhu, Y. Bai, H. Liu, K. Du, K. Zhang, Y.F. Kou, J. Shao, W.B. Wang, D.L. Hou, S. Dong, L.F. Yin,* J. Shen*
Physical Review B 93, 035111 (2016)
Topological magnetic phase in LaMnO3 (111) bilayer
Y.K. Weng, X. Huang, Y.G. Yao, S. Dong*
Physical Review B 92, 195114 (2015)
Hexagonal rare-earth manganites as promising photovoltaics and light polarizers
X. Huang, T. R. Paudel,* S. Dong, E. Y. Tsymbal
Physical Review B 92, 125201 (2015)
Observation of magnetoelectric multiferroicity in a cubic perovskite system: LaMn3Cr4O12
X. Wang, Y.-S. Chai, L. Zhou, H.-B. Cao, C. Cruz, J.-H. Dai, J.-Y. Yang, Y.-Z. Yu, M. Azuma, Y. Shimakawa, H.-M. Zhang, S. Dong, Y. Sun,* C.-Q. Jin, Y.-W. Long*
Physical Review Letters 115, 087601 (2015)
编辑推荐(Editors' Suggestion),Physics点评
Strain doping: Reversible single-axis control of a complex oxide lattice via helium implantation
H.W. Guo, S. Dong, P.D. Rack, J.D. Budai, C. Beekman, Z. Gai, W. Siemons, A.T. Wong, P.C. Snijders, E. Dagotto, T.Z. Ward*
Physical Review Letters 114, 256801 (2015)
Charge transfer and hybrid ferroelectricity in (YFeO3)n/(YTiO3)n magnetic superlattices
H.M. Zhang, Y.K. Weng, Y.X. Yao, S. Dong*
Physical Review B 91, 195145 (2015)
Dual gate control of bulk conduction and magnetism in the spin-orbit insulator Sr2IrO4
C.L. Lu,* S. Dong, A. Quindeau, D. Preziosi, N. Hu, D. Hesse, M. Alexe*
Physical Review B 91, 104401 (2015)
Magnetic Phase diagram and multiferroicity of Ba3MnNb2O9, a spin-5/2 triangular lattice antiferromagnet with easy-axis anisotropy
M. Lee, E.S. Choi,* X. Huang, J. Ma, C.R. Dela Cruz, M. Matsuda, W. Tian, Z.L. Dun, S. Dong, H.D. Zhou*
Physical Review B 90, 224402 (2014)
Testing the Monte Carlo - Hartree Fock approximation in the one-band Hubbard model
A. Mukherjee, N.D. Patel, S. Dong, S. Johnston, A. Moreo, E. Dagotto
Physical Review B 90, 205133 (2014)
BaFe2Se3: a high TC magnetic multiferroic with large ferrielectric polarization
S. Dong, J.-M. Liu, E. Dagotto
Physical Review Letters 113, 187204 (2014)
LaSrVO4: a candidate for the spin-orbital liquid state
Z.L. Dun, V.O. Garlea, Y. Ren, E.S. Choi, H.M. Zhang, S. Dong, H.D. Zhou
Physical Review B 89, 235131 (2014)
Full control of magnetism in manganite bilayers by ferroelectric polarization
S. Dong, E. Dagotto
Physical Review B 88, 140404(R) (2013)
快讯(Rapid Communication)
Quantum confinementinduced magnetism in LaNiO3-LaMnO3 superlattices
S. Dong, E. Dagotto
Physical Review B 87, 195116 (2013)
- Magnetic and orbital order in (RMnO3)n/(AMnO3)2n superlattices studied via a double-exchange model with strain
S. Dong, Q.F. Zhang, S. Yunoki, J.-M. Liu, E. Dagotto
Physical Review B 86, 205121 (2012)
Strain-engineered magnetic order in (LaMnO3)n/(SrMnO3)2n superlattices
Q.F. Zhang,* S. Dong, B.L. Wang, S. Yunoki
Physical Review B 86, 094403 (2012) PDF
Block antiferromagnetism and checkerboard charge ordering in the alkali-doped iron selenides R1-xFe2-ySe2
W. Li, S. Dong, C. Fang, J.P. Hu*
Physical Review B 85, 100407(R) (2012) PDF
快讯(Rapid Communication)
Giant ferroelectric polarization of CaMn7O12 induced by a combined effect of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and exchange striction
X.Z. Lu, M.-H. Whangbo, S. Dong, X.G. Gong, H.J. Xiang*
Physical Review Letters 108, 187204 (2012) PDF
编辑推荐(Editors' suggestion)
Ab initio study of the intrinsic exchange bias at the SrRuO3/SrMnO3 interface
S. Dong, Q.F. Zhang, S. Yunoki, J.-M. Liu, E. Dagotto
Physical Review B 84, 224437 (2011)
Multiferroic properties of CaMn7O12
G.Q. Zhang, S. Dong,* Z.B. Yan, Y.Y. Guo, Q.F. Zhang, S. Yunoki, E. Dagotto, J.-M. Liu*
Physical Review B 84, 174413 (2011) PDF
编辑推荐(Editors' suggestion)
Microscopic model for the ferroelectric field effect in oxide heterostructures
S. Dong, X.T. Zhang, R. Yu, J.-M. Liu, E. Dagotto
Physical Review B 84, 155117 (2011) PDF
Magnetoelectric coupling at the interface of BiFeO3/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 multilayers
M.J. Calderon, S. Liang, R. Yu, J. Salafranca, S. Dong, S. Yunoki, L. Brey, A. Moreo, E. Dagotto
Physical Review B 84, 024422 (2011) PDF
Emergent dimensional reduction of the spin sector in a model for narrow-band manganites
S. Liang, M. Daghofer,* S. Dong, C. Şen, E. Dagotto
Physical Review B 84, 024408 (2011) PDF
入选Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology
Highly anisotropic resistivities in the double-exchange model for strained manganites
S. Dong, S. Yunoki, X.T. Zhang, C. Şen, J.-M. Liu, E. Dagotto
Physical Review B 82, 035118 (2010) PDF
Flux state and anomalous quantum Hall effect in the square double-exchange model
X. Chen, S. Dong, and J.-M. Liu*
Physical Review B 81, 064420 (2010) PDF
Exchange bias driven by the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and ferroelectric polarization at G-type antiferromagnetic perovskite interfaces
S. Dong, K. Yamauchi, S. Yunoki, R. Yu, S. Liang, A. Moreo, J.-M. Liu, S. Picozzi, E. Dagotto
Physical Review Letters 103, 127201 (2009) PDF
Striped multiferroic phase in double-exchange model for quarter-doped manganites
S. Dong, R. Yu, J.-M. Liu, E. Dagotto
Physical Review Letters 103, 107204 (2009) PDF
Electronic and magnetic properties of RMnO3/AMnO3 heterostructures
R. Yu, S. Yunoki, S. Dong, E. Dagotto
Physical Review B 80, 125115 (2009) PDF
Mean field theory for ferroelectricity in Ca3CoMnO6
Y.J. Guo, S. Dong, K.F. Wang, J.-M. Liu*
Physical Review B 79, 245107 (2009) PDF
Ru-doping-induced ferromagnetism in charge-ordered La0.4Ca0.6MnO3
C.L. Lu, X. Chen, S. Dong, K.F. Wang, H.L. Cai, J.-M. Liu,* D. Li, Z.D. Zhang
Physical Review B 79, 245105 (2009) PDF
Nonmagnetic B-site impurity-induced ferromagnetic tendency in CE-type manganites
X. Chen, S. Dong, K.F. Wang, J.-M. Liu,* E. Dagotto
Physical Review B 79, 024410 (2009) PDF
Magnetism, conductivity and orbital order in (LaMnO3)2n/(SrMnO3)n superlattices
S. Dong, R. Yu, S. Yunoki, G.Alvarez, J.-M. Liu, E. Dagotto
Physical Review B 78, 201102(R) (2008) PDF
编辑推荐(Editors' suggestion),快讯(Rapid Communication)
Origin of the multiferroic spiral spin-order in the RMnO3 perovskites
S. Dong, R. Yu, S. Yunoki, J.-M. Liu, E. Dagotto
Physical Review B 78, 155121 (2008) PDF
编辑推荐(Editors' suggestion)
Ferromagnetic tendency at the surface of CE-type charge-ordered manganites
S. Dong, R. Yu, S. Yunoki, J.-M. Liu, E. Dagotto
Physical Review B 78, 064414 (2008) PDF
Short-range spin and charge correlations and local density of states in the colossal magnetoresistance regime of the single-orbital model for manganites
R. Yu, S. Dong, C. Şen, G. Alvarez, E. Dagotto
Physical Review B 77, 214434 (2008) PDF
Multiferroic response and clamped domain structure in a two-dimensional spiral magnet: Monte Carlo simulation
Q.C. Li, S. Dong, J.-M. Liu*
Physical Review B 77, 054442 (2008) PDF
Dielectrophoresis model for the colossal electroresistance of phase-separated manganites
S. Dong, H. Zhu, J.-M. Liu*
Physical Review B 76, 132409 (2007) PDF
Magnetization oscillation in a nanomagnet driven by a self-controlled spin-polarized current: Nonlinear stability analysis
X. Chen, Z.H. Zhu, Y. Jing, S. Dong, J.-M.Liu*
Physical Review B 76, 054414 (2007) PDF
入选Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology
Spin persistence in antiferromagnetic triangular Ising lattice under magnetic field
X.Y. Yao, S. Dong, K. Xia, P.L. Li, J.-M. Liu*
Physical Review B 76, 024435 (2007) PDF
Monte Carlo simulation of magnetic behavior of a spin-chain system on a triangular lattice
X.Y. Yao, S. Dong, H. Yu, J.-M. Liu*
Physical Review B 74, 134421 (2006) PDF
Cluster-glass state in manganites induced by A-site cation-size disorder
K.F. Wang, Y. Wang, L.F. Wang, S. Dong, D. Li, Z.D. Zhang, H. Yu, Q.C. Li, J.-M. Liu*
Physical Review B 74, 134411 (2006) PDF
Steplike magnetization of spin chains in a triangular lattice: Monte Carlo simulations
X. Y. Yao, S. Dong, J.-M. Liu*
Physical Review B 73, 212415 (2006) PDF
Jahn-Teller distortion induced charge ordering in the CE phase of manganites
S. Dong, S. Dai, X.Y. Yao, K.F. Wang, C. Zhu, J.-M. Liu*
Physical Review B 73, 104404 (2006) PDF
Hysteresis loop area of the Ising model
H. Zhu, S. Dong, and J.-M. Liu*
Physical Review B 70, 132403 (2004) PDF