姓名: 周颖
办公室: 东南大学田家炳楼北楼502
电话: 025-52090607-8502
Email: zhouying_arale@163.com



1.Hybrid improper ferroelectricity and magnetoelectric coupling in a two-dimensional perovskite oxide.
    Ying Zhou, Zefeng Chen, Zongshuo Wu,Xiaofan Shen, Jianli Wang,Junting Zhang* and Hui Sun
    Phys. Rev. B 2021, 103, 224409

2.Two-dimensional ferroelectricity induced by octahedral rotation distortion in perovskite oxides.
    Ying Zhou, Shuai Dong, Changxun Shan, Ke Ji and Junting Zhang*
    Phys. Rev. B 2022, 105, 075408

3.Double-leaf Riemann surface topological converse magnetoelectricity.
    Ying Zhou, H.S. Ye, J.T. Zhang and S. Dong*
    Phys. Rev. B 2024, 110, 054424

4.Record-large magnetically driven polarization in room temperature ferromagnets OsX2 monolayers.
    Ying Zhou, H.S. Ye, J.T. Zhang and S. Dong*
    Phys. Rev. Mater. 2024, 8, 104403

5.Magnetoelectric coupling and cross control in two-dimensional ferromagnets.
    Fan Wang, Ying Zhou(Co-first author), Xiaofan Shen, Shuai Dong , and Junting Zhang*
    Phys. Rev. Applied 2023, 20, 064011

6.Coexistence and Coupling of Spin-Induced Ferroelectricity and Ferromagnetism in Perovskites.
    J.T. Zhang*; Ying Zhou; F. Wang; X. Shen; J.L. Wang; X.M. Lu.*
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 2022, 129, 117603 (on the cover)