姓名: 申中
办公室: 东南大学田家炳楼北楼502
电话: 15298356983
Email: 15298356983@163.com


    Publications  ORCID for more
  1. Manipulation of magnetic topological textures via perpendicular strain and polarization in van der Waals magnetoelectric heterostructures.
    Z. Shen, S. Dong*, and X.Y. Yao*
    Phys. Rev. B 108, L140412 (2023)
    Letter 快讯

  2. Electronic properties, skyrmions and bimerons in Janus CrXY (X, Y = S, Se, Te, Cl, Br, I, and X≠Y) monolayers
    Z.H. Guan#, Z. Shen#(Co-first author), Y. F. Xue and T. T. Zhong, X. P. Wu, and C. S. Song*
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 25, 24968 (2023)

  3. Strain-induced magnetic phase transition, magnetic anisotropy switching and bilayer antiferromagnetic skyrmions in van der Waals magnet CrTe2.
    D.S. Feng#, Z. Shen#(Co-first author), Y.F. Xue, Z.H. Guan, R.H. Xiao and C.S. Song*
    Nanoscale 15, 1561 (2023)

  4. Enhanced Curie temperature and skyrmion stability in room temperature ferromagnetic semiconductor CrISe monolayer.
    Z. Shen, Y.F. Xue, Z.B. Wu and C.S. Song*
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 121, 202402 (2022)

  5. Spontaneous magnetic merons in half-metallic Mn2I3Br3 monolayer with easy-plane anisotropy.
    Z. Shen, Y.F. Xue, Z.B. Wu and C.S. Song*
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 24, 27612 (2022)

  6. Strain tunable Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and skyrmions in two-dimensional Janus Cr2X3Y3(X, Y=Cl, Br, I, X≠Y) trihalide monolayers.
    Z. Shen, C.S. Song*, Y.F. Xue, Z.B. Wu, J.Q Wang* and Z.C. Zhong*
    Phys. Rev. B 106, 094403 (2022)