Welcome to the homepage of Huimin Zhang.




OfficeRoom 502, North building of Tianjiabing.

Tel    025-52090607-8502

 Email:   hmzhang@seu.edu.cn

Research interests
  Correlated Electronic Materials
  Oxides heterostructures
  Magnetism of 2D materials



Publication List

1.  H. M. Zhang, J. Chen, P. Barone, K. Yamauchi, S. Dong, and S. Picozzi 
Possible emergence of a skyrmion phase in ferroelectric

Phys. Rev. B. 99, 214427 (2019)


2.  H. M. Zhang, Y. K. Weng, X. Y. Yao, and S. Dong

Charge transfer and hybrid ferroelectricity in (YFeO3)n/(YTiO3)n magnetic superlattices

Phys. Rev. B 91, 195145 (2015)


3.  H. M. Zhang, M. An, X. Y. Yao, and S. Dong

Orientation-dependent ferroelectricity of strained PbTiO3 films

Front. Phys. 10, 107701 (2015)


4.  X. Y. Wang, D. N. Yang, H. M. Zhang, C. Y. Song, J. Wang, G. T. Tan, R. K. Zheng,

S. Dong, S. W. Cheong, and J. X. Zhang

Anisotropic resistance switching in hexagonal manganites

Phys. Rev. B 99, 054106 (2019) 共同一作


5.  L. Lin, H. M. Zhang, M. F. Liu, S. D. Shen, S. Zhou, D. Li, X. Wang, Z. B. Yan, Z.


D. Zhang, J. Zhao, S. Dong, and J.-M. Liu

Hexagonal phase stabilization and magnetic orders of multiferroic Lu1-xScxFeO3

Phys. Rev. B 93, 075146 (2016)


6.  M. F. Liu, H. M. Zhang, X. Huang, C. Y. Ma, S. Dong, and J. M. Liu

Two-step antiferromagnetic transitions and ferroelectricity in spin-1 triangular-lattice antiferromagnetic Sr3NiTa2O9
Inorg. Chem. 55, 2709–2716 (2016)


7.  Y. Zhang, H. M. Zhang, Y. K. Weng, L. F. Lin, X. Y. Yao and S. Dong 
antiferromagnetism and possible ferroelectricity KFe2Se2
Physica Status
Solidi-Rapid Research Letters.
10,757-761 (2016)


8.  M. An, H. M. Zhang, Y. K. Weng, Y. Zhang, and S. Dong

Possible ferrimagnetism and ferroelectricity of half-substituted rare-earth titanate: A first-principles study on Y0.5La0.5TiO3

Front. Phys. 11, 117501 (2016)




9.  M. An, Y. K. Weng, H. M. Zhang, J. J. Zhang, Y. Zhang, and S. Dong

Appearance and disappearance of ferromagnetism in ultrathin LaMnO3 on SrTiO3 substrate: A viewpoint from first principles

Phys. Rev. B 96, 235112 (2017)


10.   L. Zhou, J. H. Dai, Y. S Chai, H. M. Zhang, S. Dong, H. B. Cao, S. Calder, Y. Y. Yin,

X. Wang, X. D. Shen, Z. H. Liu, T. Saito, Y. Shimakawa, H. Hojo, Y. Ikuhara, M. Azuma, Z. W. Hu, Y. Sun, C. Q. Jin, and Y. W. Long

Realization of Large Electric Polarization and Strong Magnetoelectric Coupling in BiMn3Cr4O12

Adv. Mater., 29, 1703435 (2017)


11.  B. Gao, Y. K. Weng, J. J. Zhang, H. M. Zhang, Y. Zhang, and S. Dong

Magnetic and electronic properties of La3MO7 and possible polaron formation in hole- doped L3MO7(M=Ru and Os)

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 29, 095803 (2017)


12.  X. Wang, Y. S. Chai, L. Zhou, H. B. Cao, C. D. Cruz, J. Y. Yang, J. H. Dai, Y. Y. Yin, Z. Yuan, S. J. Zhang, R. Z. Yu, M. Azuma, Y. C. Shimakawa, H. M. Zhang, S. Dong, Y. Sun, C. Q. Jin, and Y. W. Long

Observation of magnetoelectric multiferroicity in a cubic perovskite system: LaMn3C4O12

Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 087601 (2015)


13.  Z. L. Dun, V. O. Garlea, C. Yu, Y. Ren, E. S. Choi, H. M. Zhang, S. Dong, and H. D. Zhou

LaSrVO4: A candidate for the spin-orbital liquid state

Phys. Rev. B 89, 235131 (2014)


14.   L. J. Yang, Y. K. Weng, H. M. Zhang, and S. Dong,

Strain driven sequential magnetic transitions in strained GdTiO3 on compressive substrates: a first-principles study

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 26, 476001 (2014


15.  周龙,王潇,张慧敏,申旭东,董帅,龙有文多阶有序钙钛矿多铁性材料的高压制备与物性
物理学报, 67, 157505 (2018) (综述)