12月13日16:00 Seminar | Andrea Dei -- Tensionless AdS3/CFT2 and Single Trace TTbar


Title: Tensionless AdS3/CFT2 and Single Trace TTbar

Speaker: Andrea Dei

Affiliation:Chicago University, USA (美国芝加哥大学)

Time: 16:00-17:00, Friday, 13th December, 2024 (UTC+8, Beijing Time)

Venue: Zoom Meeting (ID: 385 442 0225; Passcode: yauc)

Inviter: Yunfeng Jiang (江云峰)


One of the best understood AdS/CFT incarnations relates tensionless k=1 strings on AdS3 to a symmetric product CFT2. I will discuss an exact duality between string theory on a spacetime which is not asymptotically AdS and a non-conformal field theory. The bulk theory is constructed as a marginal deformation of the tensionless AdS3 string, while the spacetime dual is a single trace TTbar-deformed symmetric orbifold theory. As evidence for the duality, I am going to show the exact match of the one-loop bulk and boundary torus partition functions. If time allows, I will explain how a non-perturbative completion of the TTbar partition function naturally arises from the worldsheet.


Dr. Andrea Dei is currently a postdoc at Kadanoff Center for Theoretical Physics of the Chicago University, USA.

The seminar will be broadcasted online by Zoom. 

Interested people are free to join, without registration in advance.

The Zoom info is

URL: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3854420225?pwd=SXY4eWJKOTBFZWJDaE16aXpTamY1QT09

Meeting ID: 385 442 0225

Passcode: yauc