



2017年博士毕业于东南大学物理学院,主要从事半导体光电子器件物理与应用的研究,在该领域发表SCI论文50余篇,其中以一作/通讯作者18篇,包括Nature Communicaitons、Light-Science & Applications、InfoMat、Nano Letters、ACS Nano等国际著名期刊,相关成果获得了教育部自然科学二等奖。





1. 低维材料器件与光电物理研究

2. 新型功能器件设计与开发

3. 光电芯片研制与微系统集成



2023/12- 至今 东南大学副研究员

2020/10- 2023/11 东南大学至善博士后

2018/01- 2020/09东南大学博士后






1. 2021年获教育部“高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖”科学技术二等奖

2. 2017年博士研究生国家奖学金



1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,2022

2. 江苏省自然科学基金青年基金,2022

3. 中国博士后科学基金面上资助,2022

4. 中国博士后科学基金面上资助,2018

5. 江苏省博士后科研资助计划,2021



(#: equal contribution; *:corresponding author)

1. Jun Zhou#, Guitao Zhang#, Wenhui Wang#, Qian Chen, Weiwei Zhao, Hongwei Liu, Bei Zhao*, Zhenhua Ni*, Junpeng Lu*, Phase-engineered synthesis of atomically thin te single crystals with high on-state currents. Nature Communications, 2024, 15, 1435. 

2. Peiyu Zeng, Kaiyang Liu, Peng Zhang, Hui Sun*, Wenhui Wang*, Zhenhua Ni, Junpeng Lu, A Photoconductor-Type Position Recognition Mechanism with the Intrinsic High Gain for the Development of Ultra-Sensitive Light Position Detection. Advanced Optical Materals, 2024, 2401805.

3. Ruxia Du#, Wenhui Wang#, Huiwen Lin, Xinlei Zhang, Hao Wu, Beibei Zhu, Xu Jing, Xing Gu, Zhenhua Ni*, Li Tao*, Fast and broadband spatial-photoresistance modulation in graphene–silicon heterojunctions, Nanophotonics, 2024, 13, 2663.

4. Peiyu Zeng#, Wenhui Wang#, Dongshuang Han, Jundong Zhang, Zhihao Yu, Jiaoyan He, Peng Zheng, Hui Zheng, Liang Zheng, Weitao Su, Dexuan Huo, Zhenhua Ni*, Yang Zhang*, Zhangting Wu*, MoS2/WSe2 vdW Heterostructures Decorated with PbS Quantum Dots for the Development of High-Performance Photovoltaic and Broadband Photodiodes. ACS Nano,  2022, 16, 9329.

5. Wenhui Wang, Junpeng Lu* & Zhenhua Ni*, Position-sensitive detectors based on two-dimensional materials.  Nano Research, 2021, 14, 1889.

6. Wenhui Wang, Kaiyang Liu, Jie Jiang, Ruxia Du, Litao Sun, Wei Chen, Junpeng Lu, Zhenhua Ni*, Ultrasensitive graphene-Si position-sensitive detector for motion tracking. InfoMat, 2020, 2, 761.

7. Wenhui Wang, Ruxia Du, Litao Sun, Wei Chen, Junpeng Lu, Zhenhua Ni*, Ultrasensitive graphene position-sensitive detector induced by synergistic effects of charge injection and interfacial gating. Nanophotonics, 2020, 9, 2531.

8. Kaiyang Liu#, Wenhui Wang#, Yuanfang Yu, Xiangyu Hou, Yanpeng Liu, Wei Chen, Xiaomu Wang, Junpeng Lu*, Zhenhua Ni*, Graphene-Based Infrared Position-Sensitive Detector for Precise Measurements and High-Speed Trajectory Tracking. Nano Letters,  2019, 19, 8132.

9. Wenhui Wang, Zhenzhong Yan, Jinfeng Zhang, Junpeng Lu, Hua Qin, and Zhenhua Ni*, High-performance position-sensitive detector based on graphene–silicon heterojunction. Optica, 2018, 5, 27.

10. Wenhui Wang, RuxiaDu, Xitao Guo, Jie Jiang, Weiwei Zhao, Zhonghua Ni, Xinran Wang, Yumeng You, Zhenhua Ni*,  Interfacial amplification for graphene-based position-sensitive-detectors. Light:Science & Applications, 2017, 6, 113.

11. Wenhui Wang, Ruxia Du, Amina Zafar, Linping He, Weiwei Zhao, Yunfei Chen, Junpeng Lu, Zhenhua Ni*, High-Performance Graphene-Based Electrostatic Field Sensor. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 2017, 38, 1136.

12. Xitao Guo#, Wenhui Wang#, Haiyan Nan, Yuanfang Yu, Jie Jiang, Weiwei Zhao, Jinhuan Li, Zainab Zafar, Nan Xiang, Zhonghua Ni, Weida Hu, Yumeng You, Zhenhua Ni*, High-performance graphene photodetector using interfacial gating. Optica, 2016, 3, 1066.