










2024-至今  东南大学,教授

2020-2023  西北工业大学,教授

2015-2019  新加坡国立大学,研究员

2012-2017  东南大学,博士后

2005-2006  Agilent Technologies,工程师



2006.10-2012.05  University of Twente(荷兰)博士,电子工程

2002.09-2005.06  东南大学,硕士,凝聚态物理

1998.09-2002.06  东南大学,学士,应用物理



(1) B. Lu, Y. Xia, Y. Ren, M. Xie, L. Zhou, G. Vinai, S.A. Morton, A.T.S. Wee, W.G. van der Wiel, W. Zhang* and P.K.J. Wong*. When Machine Learning Meets 2D Materials: A Review.  Advanced Science 2024, 2305277.

(2) W. Zhang*, Q. Fu, J. Li, B. Lian, Y. Xia,  L. Zhou,  A.T.S. Wee and P.K.J. Wong*. Probing Van der Waals Magnetic Surface and Interface via Circularly Polarized X-Rays. Applied Physics Reviews 2023, 10, 041308. (Invited, Featured Article)

(3) S. Jiang, Q.T. Le, P.K.J. Wong, W. Zhang* and J. Åkerman*. Field-Free High-Frequency Exchange-Spring Spin-Torque Nano-Oscillators. Nano Letters 2023, 23, 1159.

(4) M. Tian, Q. Chen, P.K.J. Wong, R. Liu, F. Silly, M.G. Silly, P. Ohresser, B. You, J. Du, A.T.S. Wee, J-C. Rojas-Sánchez, Z. Huang*, W. Zhang* and Y. Zhai*. Modulation of magneto-dynamic properties of permalloy/holmium heterostructures with antiferromagnetic coupled interface. Applied Physics Letters 2023, 123, 262404.

(5) A. Ali, I. Shahid, I. Ahmad, B. Lu, H. Zhang, W. Zhang* and P.K.J. Wong*. Enhanced visible-light-driven photocatalytic activity in SiPGaS/arsenene-based van der Waals heterostructures. iScience 2023, 26, 108025.

(6) Q. Chen, L. Cao, J. Li, Q. Fu, Y. Zhu, Q. Guo, R. Liu, T. Li, W. Zhang*, J. Du, J. Zheng, Z. Huang, P.K.J. Wong, B. Fang, Z. Zeng and Y. Zhai*. Effective tuning of spin mixing conductance at the Py/Cu–Nd interface. Applied Physics Letters 2022, 120, 242405.

(7) I. Muhammad, A. Ali, L. Zhou, W. Zhang* and P.K.J. Wong. Vacancy-engineered half-metallicity and magnetic anisotropy in CrSI semiconductor monolayer. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2022, 909, 164797.

(8) W. Zhang*, P.K.J. Wong, S. Jiang, Q. Chen, W. Huang and A.T.S. Wee*. Integrating spin-based technologies with atomically controlled van der Waals interfaces. Materials Today 2021, 51, 350. (Invited)

(9) Z. Zhang#, E. Liu#,*, X. Lu#, W. Zhang#, Y. You, G. Xu, Z. Xu, P.K.J. Wong, Y. Wang, B. Liu, X. Yu, J. Wu, Y. Xu*, A.T.S. Wee and F. Xu*. Strain-Controlled Spin Wave Excitation and Gilbert Damping in Flexible Co2FeSi Films Activated by Femtosecond Laser Pulse. Advanced Functional Materials 2021, 2007211.

(10) R. Zhu, W. Zhang*, W. Shen, P.K.J. Wong, Q. Wang, Q. Liang, Z. Tian, Y. Zhai, C. Qiu and A.T.S. Wee*. Exchange Bias in van der Waals CrCl3/Fe3GeTe2 Heterostructures. Nano Letters 2020, 20, 5030.

(11) W. Zhang*, L. Zhang, P.K.J. Wong*, J. Yuan, G. Vinai, P. Torelli, G. van der Laan, Y.P. Feng and A.T.S. Wee*. Magnetic transition in monolayer VSe2 via interface hybridization. ACS Nano 2019, 13, 8997. (Elettra Highlights 2018-2019)

(12) W. Zhang*, P.K.J. Wong, X. Zhou, A. Rath,
Z. Huang, H. Wang, S.A. Morton, J. Yuan, L. Zhang, R. Chua, S. Zeng, E. Liu, F. Xu, Ariando, D.H.C. Chua, Y.P. Feng, G. van der Laan, S.J. Pennycook, Y. Zhai and A.T.S. Wee*. Ferromagnet/two-dimensional semiconducting transition-metal dichalcogenide interface with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. ACS Nano 2019, 13, 2253. 

(13) P.K.J. Wong#, W. Zhang#, F. Bussolotti, X. Yin, T.S. Herng, L. Zhang, Y.L. Huang, G. Vinai, S. Krishnamurthi, D.W. Bukhvalov, Y.J. Zheng, R. Chua, A.T. N’Diaye, S.A. Morton, C-Y. Yang, K-H. Ou Yang, P. Torelli, W. Chen, K.E.J. Goh, J. Ding, M-T. Lin, G. Brocks, M.P. de Jong*, Antonio H. Castro Neto* and A.T.S. Wee*. Evidence of spin frustration in a vanadium diselenide monolayer magnet. Advanced Materials 2019, 31, 1901185.

(14) P.K.J. Wong#,*, W. Zhang#, J. Zhou, F. Bussolotti, X. Yin, L. Zhang, A.T. N’Diaye, S.A. Morton, W. Chen, J. Goh*, M.P. de Jong, Y.P. Feng and A.T.S. Wee*. Metallic 1T phase, 3d1 electronic configuration and charge density wave order in molecular-beam epitaxy grown monolayer vanadium ditelluride. ACS Nano 2019, 13, 12894.

(15) W. Zhang, P.K.J. Wong*, R. Zhu and A.T.S. Wee*. Van der Waals magnets: wonder building blocks for two-dimensional spintronics? InfoMat 2019, 1, 479. (Invited)

(16) W. Zhang*, P.K.J. Wong, D. Zhang, J. Yue, Z. Kou, G. van der Laan, A. Scholl, J-G. Zheng, Z. Lu and Y. Zhai*. XMCD and XMCD-PEEM Studies on Magnetic-Field-Assisted Self-Assembled 1D Nanochains of Spherical Ferrite Particles. Advanced Functional Materials 2017, 1701265.

(17) W. Zhang*, D. Zhang, P.K.J. Wong, H. Yuan, S. Jiang, G. van der Laan, Y. Zhai* and Z. Lu. Selective Tuning of Gilbert Damping in Spin-Valve Trilayer by Insertion of Rare-Earth Nanolayers. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2015, 7, 17070.

(18) C. Luo, W. Zhang*, P.K.J. Wong, Y. Zhai*, B. You, J. Du and H. Zhai. The influence of Nd dopants on spin and orbital moments in Nd-doped permalloy thin films. Applied Physics Letters 2014, 105, 082405. 

(19) W. Zhang, P.K.J. Wong, P. Yan, J. Wu, S.A. Morton, X.R. Wang, X.F. Hu, Y.B. Xu*, A. Scholl, A. Young, I. Barsukov, M. Farle and G. van der Laan. Observation of current-driven oscillatory domain wall motion in Ni80Fe20/Co bilayer nanowire. Applied Physics Letters 2013, 103, 042403.

(20) W. Zhang, J.Z. Zhang, P.K.J. Wong, Z.C. Huang, L. Sun, J. L. Liao, Y. Zhai, Y.B. Xu* and G. van der Laan. In-plane uniaxial magnetic anisotropy in epitaxial Fe3O4-based hybrid structures on GaAs(100). Physical Review B 2011, 84, 104451.