2024年1月23日周二学术报告:Designing Light in an Artificial Universe


题目:Designing Light in an Artificial Universe

嘉宾:闫寒 博士,东京大学助理教授

时间:2024123日星期二10:00 am


邀请人:文强 副教授


Quantum spin ice (QSI) is a lattice spin-model realization of the full-fledged quantum electrodynamics including photons, electric charges and magnetic monopoles. As one of the most interesting quantum spin liquids, a significant amount of experimental and theoretical investigation has been done in this field. I will present an overview of the quantum spin ice physics and also discuss our recent ongoing work on how in the so-called dipole-octupole QSI, one can experimentally have clean control of the dynamics of its emergent QED, including transition between different symmetry-enriched phases, tuning the dispersion of photons and fine-structure constants etc. All of this can be achieved in one of the simplest experiments — turning on the external magnetic field in the right direction.


Dr. Han Yan is an Assistant Professor at the University of Tokyo, Institute for Solid State Physics. He did his PhD at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology and then became a Junior Fellow in Rice Academy at Rice University from 2021 to 2023. He joined the University of Tokyo in October 2023.He is interested in quantum many-body physics, especially their connection with high-energy theory.