2020年1月7日下午3点学术报告2:Application of Advanced Scanning Probe Microscopy


报告题目:Application of AdvancedScanning Probe Microscopy

报告人:李玲龙 博士(清华大学物理系)


时间: 2020年1月7日下午3点

地点: 田家炳楼南205会议室

摘要: Scanning probe microscopy (SPM) techniques have opened the horizon to nanoscience and nanotechnology by enabling imaging and manipulation of the structure and functionality of matter at nanometer and atomic scales. Functional probes provide two types of informationgenerally categorized as morphological and functional imaging, providing informationon structural motifs underlying low-symmetry crystals, grain boundaries, dislocationcores in real space. Piezoresponse force microscopy(PFM) is one of the numerous applicationsof SPM, revealing the electromechanical interaction in ferroelectric materialswith nanoscale resolution. Moreover, magnetic force microscopy(MFM) has been most widely used for the local characterization of magnetic nanostructures and imaging the magnetic field distribution at the surface of magnetic materials, e.g. correlated phase separation and skyrmions. The following topics will be included: (1) Advanced spectroscopic PFM imaging combined with data mining. (2) Brief introduction of low-temperature high-magnetic field MFM imaging.


报告人简介:Linglong Li got his PhD degree from Xi’an Jiaotong University, during which he joined Sergei Kalinin’s group in Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Then he joined Tsinghua University as a postdoc and was selected in“博士后创新人才计划”. He mainly focuses his research interest on theapplicationof scanning probe microscopy i.e. PFM, LT-MFM.