题目:Ta/Cu1-x Ndx/NiFe/Ta Layers Characterized using TEM/Microanalysis Techniques
时间:10月11日(周五) 上午 10:00
摘要:Magnetic and non-magnetic bilayer such as Permalloy (Py)\Cu is the basic unit in spintronic devices. To tune spin pumping effect of the bilayer system and enhance magnetic damping coefficient of Py, Py\Cu1-xNdx bilayer films were fabricated together with capping (2nm) and buffer (5nm) layers of Ta deposited on silicon substrates at room temperature by magnetron sputtering. The Py thickness is about 10nm and Cu1-xNdx film thickness could be controlled from a couple of nm to a few tens of nm. There are several practical questions:
1)Because Cu has almost no solubility in Nd, it is interesting to understand the microstructure of the Cu1-xNdx film.
2)XRD patterns do not show any peaks associated with Cu when x > 0. Is the Cu1-xNdx film amorphous?
3)The deposition rate was normally calibrated using pure materials. How accurate is the film thickness? When Cu and Nd were sputtered together, how could the film deposition rate be affected?
4) Ta buffer layer is amorphous, is there any effect of the buffer layer on Py microstructure?
This talk is trying to answer these questions by using S/TEM high-resolution imaging techniques together with micro/nanoanalysis such as EDS and EELS.
报告人简介:现任美国加州大学欧文材料研究所设备平台主任,项目科学家(教授级).毕业于南京大学物理系,师从中科院院士冯端教授,获固体物理专业理学学士,硕士和理学博士学位。博士后工作为电子显微术,师从英国皇家院士,英国布里斯托尔大学John Steeds教授。曾任南京大学物理系助教,南京大学物理系,微结构国家重点实验室讲师和副教授;德国图宾根大学,物理化学研究所,访问学者和客座科学家;英国利物浦大学材料及工程系的资深电镜主管;美国西北大学材料及工程系研究助理教授和电镜中心主管。当选为英国皇家显微学会士(Fellow),是美国材料学会员,美国物理学会会员,美国电镜学会会员,南京大学兼职教授,及多种国际性杂志审稿人。研究领域包括电子显微术,纳米材料,材料物理,功能材料,界面与晶体缺陷。在同行评议杂志发表署名文章超过100篇,被引用超过6000次。