

吴桂平理学博士、教授、硕导。主要从事本科生公共基础物理学、研究生的等离子体物理的教学和太阳活动区等离子体物理过程研究,主持和参加国家自然科学基金项目(面上、重点、重大)6项,在国内外核心期刊发表论文四十多篇(SCI收录第一作者论文14篇),撰写了“粒子加速机制”(p.115-117, 方成院士主编《科学难题10000个》(天文学卷),科学出版社,2010.12)。



1Gui-Ping Wu, Hai-Sheng Ji, and Zong-Jun Ning, The impact of turbulence on electron heating and acceleration near the neutral point of externallydrivenreconnecting sheets in solar flaresResearch in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2012, 12:1701-1713.

2. WU Gui Ping & ZHANG DaoYu, Nonlinear dependence of anomalous resistivity on the reconnecting electric field in the Earth’s magnetotail,  Chinese Science Bulletin,  2012,57:1449-1454.

3. Gui-Ping Wu, Guang-Li Huang and Hai-Sheng Ji, Dependence of anomalous resistivity on bulk drift velocity of electrons in the reconnecting current sheets in solar flares, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2010,10:1186-1194.

4. Guiping Wu, Guangli Huang, and Haisheng Ji, Dependence of the Anomalous Resistivity on the Induced Electric Field in Solar Flares, The Astrophysical Journal, 2010,720:771-775.

5. G. P. Wu and G.L.Huang, Electron acceleration in the turbulent reconnecting current sheets in solar flares, Astronomy & Astrophysics,2009,502:341-344.

6. G.P. Wu, G.L. Huang, Y. Huang, D.Y. Wang, The effect of the longitudinal propagating waves on the electron acceleration in the reconnecting current sheet, Advances in Space Research, 2008,41:984-987.

7. Gui-Ping Wu, Guang-Li Huang, Yu-Hua Tang and Yu Dai, The Origin and Acceleration of 3He and Heavy Ions in the 2000 July 14 Event, Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2007,7:141-147.

8. G.P.WU,G.L.HUANG,Y.H.TANGand A. A. XU, The observational evidence on the loop-loop interaction in a flare-CME event on April 15,1998, Solar Physics 2005,227:327-337.

9. Gui-Ping Wu, Guang-Li Huang and Yu-Hua Tang, The influence of ion-acoustic turbulence on the electron acceleration in the reconnecting current sheet, Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2005,5:99-109.

10. G.P. Wu, G.L. Huang,and Y.H.Tang,The radio signature of kink unstable loop, Advances in Space Research, 2005,35(10):1795-1798

11.  WU Gui-ping, WANG De-yu, XU Ao-ao, TANG Yu-hua, A study of the mechanism of acceleration of 3He and heavy ions by Alfven turbulence in impulsive flares,Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2002, 26:301-307

12. WU Gui-ping, XU Ao-ao, Inner helicity of prominence with helical structure, Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2001, 25:235-238.

13. WU Gui-ping, XU Ao-ao, TANG Yu-hua, Evolutionary characteristics of energetic electrons accelerated by electric fields in the process of  magnetic reconnection in solar active regions, Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2001, 25:221-228.

14. A.A.Xu, G.P. Wu,Y.H.Tang, Evolution of the Filament and the Eruption of the Two-Ribbon Flare on May 13, 1981,IAU Symposium,2001,203:334-337.

15. G. P. Wu, G. L. Huang, and, Y.H. Tang, The influence of ion-acoustic turbulence on the electron acceleration in current sheet, Proc. ISCS 2003 Symposium, 511-514.

16. 朱庆利 (学生), 吴桂平孔德泉扩散激波加速过程中激波厚度和级联阿尔芬波对粒子加速影响的研究,天文学报,2009, 50:45-53.

17. 沈吉梅 (学生), 吴桂平朱庆利平行激波加速离子的数值研究天文学报,2007, 48:433-440.

18. 吴桂平,许敖敖暗条上升运动与电场直接加速,天文学进展, 2000, 18:29-37.

19. 吴桂平,许敖敖姚若欣日珥上升运动与日冕物质抛射的关系天文学报,1997,38:160-166.

20. 吴桂平,许敖敖, AR2522活动区中暗条的演化与耀斑的爆发空间科学学报,1996,16:56-61.

21. Huang, Guangli, Ji, Haisheng, Wu, Guiping, The Radio Signature of Magnetic Reconnection for the M-Class Flare of 2004 November 1, The Astrophysical Journal, 2008, 672:L131-L134(SCI).

22. Wu, Y. Q., Tang, Y. H.,  Dai, Y., Wu, G. P., The Solar Origin of the 6 January 1997 Coronal Mass Ejection, Solar Physics, 2002,  207: 159-171 (SCI).