学术报告-Optimal dopant control for high-Tc diluted magnetic semiconductors


题目:Optimal dopant control for high-Tc diluted magnetic semiconductors
报告人: Prof. Dr. Zhenyu Zhang (Oak Ridge National Lab & Univ. of Tennessee)
邀请人: 王金兰


Dr. Zhang is a Distinguished Research Staff member at ORNL and Professor of Physics at The University of Tennessee (UT/ORNL Joint Faculty). His main research interests has been focused on multiscale studies of the formation, stability, physical properties, and potential technological applications of surface-based nanostructures.

) Professional Preparation
Wuhan University (China) Physics B.S. 1982
Rutgers University Physics Ph.D.  1989
University of California at Santa Barbara Condensed Matter Physics 1989-1993
(b) Appointments
2007-2008 Chair of Excellence, Joint Institute for Advanced Materials, UTK/ORNL
2003-Present Professor of Physics (joint faculty), UTK
2001-Present Distinguished Research Scientist, ORNL
1999-2001 Senior Research Scientist II, ORNL
1997-2003 Adjunct professor of Physics, the University of Tennessee-Knoxville (UTK)
1997-1999 Senior Research Scientist II, ORNL
1995-1997 Research Scientist II, Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL)
1993-1995 Research Scientist, Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison

(c) Publications: 
 5 Publications most closely related to project:
1. C. G. Zeng, Z. Y. Zhang, K. van Benthem, M. F. Chisholm, and H. H. Weitering, “Optimall doping control of magnetic semiconductors via subsurfactant epitaxy,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 1, 066101 (2008), http://prlo.aps.org.
2. W. G. Zhu, Z.Y. Zhang, and E. Kaxiras, “Dopant-assisted Concentration Enhancement of Substitutional Mn in Si and Ge,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 1, 027205 (2008), http://prlo.aps.org.
3. M. Ozer, Y. Jia, Z. Y. Zhang, J. R. Thompson, and H. H. Weitering, “Tuning the quantum stability and superconductivity of ultrathin metal alloy films,” Science 316, 1594 (2007), http://www.sciencemag.org.
4. L. X. Zhang, E. G. Wang, Q. K. Xue, S. B. Zhang, and Z. Y. Zhang, "Generalized Electron Counting in Determination of Metal-Induced Reconstruction of Compound Semiconductor Surfaces," Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 126103 (2006), http://prlo.aps.org.
5. Z. H. Liu, L. C. Feldman, N. Tolk, Z. Y. Zhang, and P. I. Cohen,  “Desorption of Hydrogen from Si(111) by Resonant Excitation of the H-Si Stretch Mode,” Science 312, 1024 (2006). Highlighted with a perspective by John Tully, Science 312, 1004 (2006), http://www.sciencemag.org.

5 Other significant publications:
6. Y. N. Mo, K. Varga, E. Kaxiras, and Z. Y. Zhang, “Kinetic pathway for the formation of Fe nanowires on stepped Cu(111) surfaces,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 155503 (2005), http://prlo.aps.org.
7. W. G. Zhu, F. Buatier de Mongeot, U. Valbusa, E. G. Wang, and Z. Y. Zhang, “Adatom Ascending at Step Edges and Faceting on fcc Metal (110) Surfaces,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 106102 (2004). (highlighted at News & Views, Nature 429, 617 (2004)), http://prlo.aps.org.
8. W. G. Zhu, H. H. Weitering, E. G. Wang, E. Kaxiras, and Z. Y. Zhang, “Contrasting growth modes of Mn on Ge(100) and Ge(111) surfaces: subsurface segregation versus intermixing,” Phys.  Rev. Lett. 93, 126102 (2004), http://prlo.aps.org.
9. Z. Y. Zhang, Qian Niu, and Chih-Kang Shih, “"Electronic Growth" of Metallic Overlayers on Semiconductor Substrates,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 5381 (1998), http://prlo.aps.org.
10. Z. Y. Zhang and M. G. Lagally, “Atomistic processes in the early stages of thin-film growth,” Science 276, 377 (1997). (Invited review), http://www.sciencemag.org.
(d) Selected Synergistic Activities
1. Divisional Associate Editor, Physical Review Letters (2006-2008 & 2009-2011)
2. Co-Leader, Department of Energy Computational Materials Science Network on Predictive Modeling of the Formation and Properties of Energy-Relevant Thin Films and Nanostructures (2008-2011)
3. Co-Founding Director, International Center for Quantum Design of Functional Materials, University of Science and Technology of China (2008-)
4. Editorial Board Member, Journal of Nano Research (2007-)
5. Panel Member, NSF Materials Theory Program (2007), DOE Program on Scientific Discovery Through Advanced Computing II (2006)
6. Task Leader, American Physical Society March Meeting Sorters Meeting (2006-2007)
7. Fellow, American Physical Society, 1998