



地址: 东南大学九龙湖校区田家炳楼北108








2023/08-至今          东南大学 上岗副研究员

2023/02-2023/07   深圳国际量子研究院 研究员

2021/01-2023/01   南方科技大学 博士后



2015.09-2020.12   南京大学,电子科学与工程学院,博士

2018.12-2020.03   密苏里大学哥伦比亚分校,物理系,联合培养博士

2011.09-2015.06   南京大学,现代工程与应用科学学院,学士 



2021 南方科技大学校长卓越博士后

2021 深圳市孔雀计划C类

2019 博士研究生国家奖学金



1. 中国博士后科学基金面上资助, 2021-11至2023-01

2. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助, 2022-072023-01



1. X.Q. Zhang, Q.S. Lu, W.Q. Liu, W. Niu, L. He, R. Zhang, G. Bian and Y.B. Xu, Room-temperature intrinsic ferromagnetism in epitaxial CrTe2 ultrathin films, Nat. Commun. 12, 2492 (2021). (ESI高被引)

2. X.Q. Zhang, S. C. Ambhire, Q.S. Lu, L. He, R. Zhang, Y.B. Xu, S. S.-L. Zhang, P. Li, and G. Bian, Giant Topological Hall Effect in van der Waals Heterostructures of CrTe2/Bi2Te3, ACS Nano 15, 15710 (2021).

3. X.Q. Zhang, W.Q. Liu, W. Niu, Q.S. Lu, W. Wang, L. He, R. Zhang, G. Bian, D.P. Yu, and Y.B. Xu, Self-Intercalation Tunable Interlayer Exchange Coupling in a Synthetic van der Waals Antiferromagnet, Adv. Funct. Mater. 202202977 (2022)

4. X.Q. Zhang, W.Q. Liu, Y. Yan, W. Niu, B.L. Lai, L. He, H. Meng and Y.B. Xu, The atomic-scale magnetism of Co2FeAl Heusler alloy epitaxial thin films, Appl. Phys. Lett. 113, 212401 (2018).

5. X.Q. Zhang, H.F. Xu, B.L. Lai, Q.S. Lu, X.Y. Lu, Y.Q. Chen, W. Niu, C.Y. Gu, W.Q. Liu, Y.F. Nie, L. He and Y.B. Xu, Direct observation of high spin polarization in Co2FeAl thin films, Sci. Rep. 8, 8074 (2018).

6. X.Q. Zhang, W. Wang, K.J. Wang, W. Niu, B.L. Lai, L. He, R. Zhang and Y.B. Xu, Universal scaling of the anomalous Hall effect, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 50, 155002 (2017).

7. A. R. M. Iasir, T. Lombardi, Q.S. Lu, A. M. Mofrad, M. Vaninger, X.Q. Zhang, and David J. Singh, Electronic and magnetic properties of perovskite selenite and tellurite compounds: CoSeO3, NiSeO3, CoTeO3, and NiTeO3, Phys. Rev. B 101, 045107 (2020). (contribute equally)

8. W. Niu, X.Q. Zhang, W. Wang, J.B. Sun, Y.B. Xu, L. He, W.Q. Liu, and Y. Pu, Probing the atomic-scale ferromagnetism in van der Waals magnet CrSiTe3, Appl. Phys. Lett. 119, 172402 (2021). (contribute equally)

9. Z.H. Nie, I.C. E. Turcu, Y. Li, X.Q. Zhang, L. He, J. Tu, C. Cacho, R. Zhang, and Y.B. Xu, Spin-ARPES EUV Beamline for Ultrafast Materials Research and Development, Appl. Sci. 9, 370 (2019). (contribute equally)

10. Q.S. Lu, J. Cook, X.Q. Zhang, K. Y. Chen, T.-C. Chiang, S.Y. A. Yang, T.-R. Chang, and G. Bian, Realization of Unpinned Two-dimensional Dirac States in Antimony Atomic Layers, Nat. Commun. 13, 4603 (2022)

11. L. Alahmed, X.Q. Zhang, J.J. Wen, Y.Z. Xiong, Y. Mokrousov, V. Novosad, W.-K. Kwok, D.P. Yu, W. Zhang, Y. S. Lee, and P. Li, Evidence of Magnon-Mediated Orbital Magnetism in a Quasi-2D Topological Magnon Insulator, Nano Lett. 22, 5114−5119 (2022)

12. Q.S. Lu, C.C. Le, X.Q. Zhang, J. Cook, X.Q. He, M. Zarenia, T.-C. Chiang, C.-K. Chiu, G. Vignale, and G. Bian, Dirac Fermion Cloning, Moiré Flat Bands, and Magic Lattice Constants in Epitaxial Monolayer Graphene, Adv. Mater. 2200625 (2022)