






Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=kZDmifMAAAAJ&hl=en






2023.06 至今 东南大学(教授)

2022.06-2023.05 澳门科技大学工作(助理教授)

2018.08-2022.05 德州大学奥斯汀分校工作(博士后)

2016.05-2018.07 普林斯顿大学工作(博士后)

2016.01-2016.04 马普学会弗里茨-哈伯研究所 工作(短期博士后)

2007.08-2008.07 扬子石化-巴斯夫有限责任公司 (见习生)



2011.11-2016.01 马普学会弗里茨-哈伯研究所、柏林工业大学博士

2008.09-2011.06 中国科学院大学物理化学专业硕士

2003.09-2007.06 浙江大学化学工程与工艺专业本科







赵训华教授主要从事固体表界面模拟方面的研究,特别注重开发和使用新方法加深对真实条件(如电压、溶液、离子等)下表界面的动态以及化学现象的认识,并推进相关的应用。赵训华在J. Am.  Chem.  Soc.(4), Angew. Chem. Int., Nat. Energy, Nat. Commun., Chem. Rev., J. Catal., J. Phys. Chem. Lett., Small等杂志已发表论文30余篇,当前H因子22Google Scholar数据,20241月)。





1. Zhai Y., Jin C., Xia Q., Han W., Wu J., Zhao X.*, Zhang X.*, “Atomically Confined Ru Sites in Octahedral Co3O4 for High‐Efficiency Hydrazine Oxidation”, Adv. Fun. Mater., 2311063, 2023. (*通讯作者)

2. §Bai X., §Zhao X., Zhang Y., Ling C., Zhou Y., Wang J., Liu Y., ”Dynamic Stability of Copper Single-Atom Catalysts under Working Conditions”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 144, 37, 17140-17148, 2022. (§同等贡献).

3. §Li X., §Zhao X., Hatton T. A., Liu Y., Liu Y., ” Redox-Tunable Lewis Bases for Electrochemical Carbon Dioxide Capture”, Nat. Energy, 71065-1075, 2022. (§同等贡献).

4. Zhao X., Levell Z. H., Yu S., Liu Y. ”Atomistic Understanding of Two-dimensional Electrocatalysts from First Principles”, Chem. Rev., 122, 12, 10675, 2022. (Invited Review)

5. §Zhang X., §Zhao X., Zhu P., Wu Z.-Y., Liu Y., Wang H., ”Cations regulated electrochemical production of H2O2 from oxygen in acid at high current density”, Nat. Commun., 12, 4225, 2021. (§同等贡献).

6. Wang, N., Zhao, X., Zhang, R., Yu, S., Levell, Z.H., Wang, C., Ma, S., Zou, P., Han, L., Qin, J. and Ma, L., 2022. Highly Selective Oxygen Reduction to Hydrogen Peroxide on a Carbon-Supported Single-Atom Pd Electrocatalyst. ACS Catal., 12, 7, 4156, 2022.

7. Zhao X. and Liu Y. Origin of Selective Production of Hydrogen Peroxide by Electrochemical Oxygen Reduction, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 143(25), 9423, 2021.

8. §Xia Y., §Zhao X., Xia C., Wu Z., Zhu P., Kim J., Bai X., Gao G., Hu Y., Zhong J., *Liu Y., Wang H. “Highly Active and Selective Oxygen Reduction to H2O2 on Boron-Doped Carbon for High Production Rates”, Nat. Commun., 12, 4225, 2021. (§同等贡献)

9. Zhao X. and Liu Y. Unveiling the Active Structure of Single Nickel Atom Catalysis: Critical Roles of Charge Capacity and Hydrogen Bonding, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 142 (12), 5773, 2020.(此工作曾被Chemistry World采访报道,并被Google News转载)

10. §Shi J., §Zhao X. and Liu Y. Eliminating Trap-States and Functionalizing Vacancies in Two-Dimensional Semiconductors by Electrochemistry, Small, 15, 1901899, 2019. (§同等贡献)

11. Zhao X. and Selloni A. Structure and stability of NaTaO3(001) and KTaO3(001) surfaces Phys. Rev. Materials, 3, 015801, 2019.

12. Zhao X., Selu˛k S., and Selloni A. Formation and stability of reduced TiOx layers on anatase TiO2(101): identication of a novel Ti2O3 phase. Phys. Rev. Materials 2, 015801, 2018.

13. Selc˛uk S., Zhao X., Selloni A. Structural evolution of titanium dioxide during reduction in high-pressure hydrogen atmosphere. Nat. Mater., 17 (10), 2018.

14. Zhao X., Shao X., Fujimori Y., Bhattacharya S., Ghiringhelli L. M., Freund H.-J., Sterrer M., Niklas N. and Levchenko S. V. Formation of water chains on CaO (001): What drives the 1D growth? J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 6 (7), 1204, 2015.

15 §Kirsch H., §Zhao X., Ren Z., Levchenko S. V., Wolf M., and Campen R. K. Controlling CH2 dissociation on Ru(0001) through surface site blocking by adsorbed hydrogen. J. Catal., 320, 89, 2014. (§同等贡献)