

刘 聃- 副教授,博导







美国Los Alamos国家实验室,博士后








1. Dan Liu and David Tománek, Effect of Net Charge on the Relative Stability of 2D Boron Allotropes, Nano Lett. 19, 1359-1365 (2019).

2. Dan Liu, Xianqing Lin, and David Tománek, Microscopic Mechanism of the Helix-to-Layer Transformation in Elemental Group VI Solids, Nano Lett. 18, 4908-4913 (2018).

3. Dan Liu, Jie Guan, Jingwei Jiang, and David Tománek, Unusually stable helical coil allotrope of phosphorus, Nano Lett. 16, 7865-7869 (2016).

4. Dan Liu, Colin Daniels, Vincent Meunier, Arthur G. Every, and David Tománek, In-Plane Breathing and Shear Modes in Low-dimensional Nanostructures, Carbon 157, 364-370 (2020)

5. Dan Liu and David Tománek, Catalytic Formation of Narrow Nb Nanowires inside Carbon Nanotubes, Carbon 159, 195-200 (2020).

6. Dan Liu, Eunja Kim, Philippe F. Weck, and David Tománek, Strain-Controlled Magnetic Ordering in 2D Carbon Metamaterials, Carbon 161, 219-223 (2020).

7. Dan Liu, Arthur G. Every, and David Tománek, Long-wavelength deformations and vibrational modes in empty and liquid-filled microtubules and nanotubes: A theoretical study, Phys. Rev. B 95, 205407 (2017).

8. Dan Liu, Arthur G. Every, and David Tománek, Continuum approach for long-wavelength acoustic phonons in quasi-2D structures, Phys. Rev. B 94, 165432 (2016).

9. Dan Liu, L. Lin, M. F. Liu, Z. B. Yan, S. Dong, and J.-M. Liu, Multiferroicity in spin ice Ho2Ti2O7: An investigation on single crystals, J. Appl. Phys. 113, 17D901 (2013).

10. Dogan Erbahar, Dan Liu*, Savas Berber, and David Tománek, Towards room-temperature superconductivity in low-dimensional C60 nanoarrays: An ab initio study, Phys. Rev. B. 97, 140505(R) (2018). (* 共同一作)

11. Jie Guan, Dan Liu, Zhen Zhu, and David Tománek, Two-dimensional phosphorus carbide: Competition between sp2 and sp3 bonding, Nano Lett. 16, 3247-3252 (2016).

12. Zhibin Gao, Dan Liu and David Tománek, Two-dimensional Mechanical Metamaterials with Unusual Poisson Ratio Behavior, Phys. Rev. Appl. 10, 064039 (2018).

13. Xianqing Lin, Dan Liu and David Tománek, Shear instability in twisted bilayer graphene. Phys. Rev. B. 98, 195432 (2018).

14. Zhen Zhu, Jie Guan, Dan Liu, and David Tománek, Designing isoelectronic counterparts to layered group V semiconductors. ACS Nano 9, 8284-8290 (2015).

15. Naoyuki Kanda, Yusuke Nakanishi, Dan Liu, Zheng Liu, Tsukasa Inoue, Yasumitsu Miyata, David Tománek, and Hisanori Shinohara, Efficient Growth and Characterization of One-Dimensional Transition Metal Tellurides Inside Carbon Nanotubes, Nanoscale 2020, (2020)

16. X.-M. Jiang, Z. B. Yan, D. Liu, J. X. Wang, M. F. Liu, G. C. Guo, B. B. Jin, X. G. Li and J.-M. Liu, Ferroelectric Transition in the Inorganic Supramolecular Complex (Hg6P4)(CuCl3)2, Chemistry – An Asian Journal 8, 2925 (2013).

17. L. Lin, Z. Y. Zhao, D. Liu, Y. L. Xie, S. Dong, Z. B. Yan, and J.-M. Liu, Chemically modulated multiferroicity in Dy-doped Gd2Ti2O7, J. Appl. Phys. 113, 17D903 (2013).


1. 201667-Gordon会议-海报-题目:Continuum approach for soft acoustic vibrations in flexible monolayers.

2. 2017121-密歇根州立大学凝聚态物理研讨会-会议报告-题目:Unusually stable helical coils of phosphorus.

3. 2017316-美国三月会议-分会报告-题目:Long-wavelength vibrational modes in quasi-2D and tubular quasi-1D structures.

4. 201787-美国Telluride会议-会议报告-题目:Long-wavelength vibrational modes in quasi-2D and tubular quasi-1D structures.

5. 20171014-中国第七届国际量子能源会议-海报-题目:Unusually stable helical coils of phosphorus.

6. 201837-美国三月会议-分会报告-题目:Microscopic mechanism of the helix-to-layer transformation in elemental selenium.

7. 2018821-密歇根州立大学凝聚态物理研讨会-会议报告-题目:Microscopic mechanism of the helix-to-layer transformation in elemental selenium.

8. 201938-美国三月会议-分会报告-题目:Effect of net charge on the relative stability of different 2D boron allotropes.

9. 2019619-美国Telluride会议-邀请报告-题目:Microscopic mechanism of structural transitions in 2D systems.